ISettingsEngine::RegisterNamespace method (wcmconfig.h)

Registers a namespace from a stream. The stream passed as a parameter to this method must be the XML for the configuration section of a manifest. This method is deprecated.


HRESULT RegisterNamespace(
  [in]  ISettingsIdentity *SettingsID,
  [in]  IStream           *Stream,
  [in]  BOOL              PushSettings,
  [out] VARIANT           *Results


[in] SettingsID

An ISettingsIdentity value that identifies the namespace to be registered.

[in] Stream

The stream that specifies the configuration.

[in] PushSettings

When this flag is set to TRUE, settings are pushed to the registry or to the initialization files. If the flag is not set, only the store for settings is changed.

[out] Results

Results is a variant of type VT_VARIANT or VT_ARRAY, each of which points to an ISettingsResult object which describes an error or warning uncovered during manifest compilation.

Return value

This method returns an HRESULT value. S_OK indicates success.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wcmconfig.h
DLL SMIEngine.dll

See also
