IWdsTransportCacheable::Refresh method (wdstptmgmt.h)

Refreshes the object data members by rereading their values from the underlying data store. This is allowed only if the object's IWdsTransportCacheable::Dirty property has been set.


HRESULT Refresh();

Return value



When called on an object whose Dirty property has been set, this method fails in order to avoid inadvertently losing changes made to the object. If the caller wants to ignore current changes and reread the stored data, the caller should call the IWdsTransportCacheable::Discard method instead.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wdstptmgmt.h
DLL Wdstptmgmt.dll

See also
