IWSDXMLContext::AddNameToNamespace method (wsdxml.h)

Creates an object that represents a name in a namespace in an XML context. If the name already exists in the namespace, no new name will be added, and the name object for the existing name will be returned.


HRESULT AddNameToNamespace(
  [in]  LPCWSTR     pszUri,
  [in]  LPCWSTR     pszName,
  [out] WSDXML_NAME **ppName


[in] pszUri

The URI of the XML namespace in which this name will be created. If this namespace does not already exist in the XML context, a new namespace structure will be generated automatically.

[in] pszName

The name to add to the namespace specified by pszUri.

[out] ppName

A WSDXML_NAME structure for the newly created name. You must deallocate ppName by calling WSDFreeLinkedMemory. This parameter is optional.

Return value

Possible return values include, but are not limited to, the following.

Return code Description
The method succeeded.
pszUri is NULL or the length in characters of the URI string exceeds WSD_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH (8192). pszName is NULL or the length in characters of the name string exceeds WSD_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH (8192).
Insufficient memory to complete the operation.
The method failed.


AddNameToNamespace can be used when creating XML elements for extensible sections. Extensible sections are represented by the any element in a schema. The returned WSDXML_NAME structure pointed to by ppName can be used to specify the name associated with the extension content. When building a WSDXML_ELEMENT structure that represents extension content, use the returned WSDXML_NAME structure for the element's Name member.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wsdxml.h (include Wsdapi.h)
DLL Wsdapi.dll

See also