WslRegisterDistribution function (wslapi.h)

Registers a new distribution with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).


HRESULT WslRegisterDistribution(
  [in] PCWSTR distributionName,
  [in] PCWSTR tarGzFilename


[in] distributionName

Unique name representing a distribution (for example, "Fabrikam.Distro.10.01").

[in] tarGzFilename

Full path to a .tar.gz file containing the file system of the distribution to register.

Return value

This function can return one of the following values. Use the SUCCEEDED and FAILED macros to test the return value of this function.

Return Code Description
S_OK Distribution successfully registered with the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) Failed because a distribution with this name has already been registered.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header wslapi.h
Library Wslapi.lib
DLL Api-ms-win-wsl-api-l1-1-0.dll