WSManGetErrorMessage function (wsman.h)

Retrieves the error messages associated with a particular error and language codes.


DWORD WSManGetErrorMessage(
  [in]           WSMAN_API_HANDLE apiHandle,
                 DWORD            flags,
  [in, optional] PCWSTR           languageCode,
                 DWORD            errorCode,
                 DWORD            messageLength,
  [out]          PWSTR            message,
  [out]          DWORD            *messageLengthUsed


[in] apiHandle

Specifies the API handle returned by a WSManInitialize call. This parameter cannot be NULL.


Reserved for future use. Must be zero.

[in, optional] languageCode

Specifies the language code name that should be used to localize the error. For more information about the language code names, see the RFC 3066 specification from the Internet Engineering Task Force at If a language code is not specified, the user interface language of the thread is used.


Specifies the error code for the requested error message. This error code can be a hexadecimal or decimal error code from a WinRM, WinHTTP, or other Windows operating system feature.


Specifies the number of characters that can be stored in the output message buffer, including the null terminator. If this parameter is zero, the message parameter must be NULL.

[out] message

Specifies the output buffer to store the message in. This buffer must be allocated and deallocated by the client. The buffer must be large enough to store the message and the null terminator. If this parameter is NULL, the messageLength parameter must be NULL.

[out] messageLengthUsed

Specifies the actual number of characters written to the output buffer, including the null terminator. This parameter cannot be NULL. If either the messageLength or message parameters are zero, the function will return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER and this parameter will be set to the number of characters needed to store the message, including the null terminator.

Return value

This method returns zero on success. Otherwise, this method returns an error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header wsman.h
Library WsmSvc.lib
DLL WsmSvc.dll
Redistributable Windows Management Framework on Windows Server 2008 with SP2 and Windows Vista with SP2