IDeliveryOptimizationJob2::AddFileWithRanges method

The AddFile method adds a single file to an existing Delivery Optimization job.


  [in]                              LPCWSTR       fileId,
  [in, unique]                      LPCWSTR       remoteUrl,
  [in]                              DWORD         rangeCount,
  [in, size_is(rangeCount), unique] BG_FILE_RANGE ranges[],
  [in]                              REFIID        riid,
  [out]                             void          **object


fileId [in]

The file ID string, which uniquely identifies the file to be downloaded.

remoteUrl [in]

The file URL that Delivery Optimization will attempt to connect to download the file.

rangeCount [in]

The number of items contained in ranges. A zero value means that no ranges are used for the file.

ranges [in]

The optional range list. Each range in the list is a BG_FILE_RANGE structure.

riid [in]

The type of object contained in object. This must by of type IID_IDeliveryOptimizationFile.

object [out]

The IDeliveryOptimizationFile object, which represents the download file.

Return value

This method returns S_OK on success or one of the standard HRESULT values on error.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1803 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server, version 1709 [desktop apps only]
Header Deliveryoptimization.h
IDL DeliveryOptimization.idl
Library Dosvc.lib
DLL Dosvc.dll
IID IID_IDeliveryOptimizationJob is defined as EE2584CF-A69C-4848-B633-2649962B3EF7

See also
