
[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]

HRESULT GetVisibilityCause(
   long * pdwCause  // address of variable for cause of character visible state

Retrieves the cause of the character's visible state.

  • Returns S_OK to indicate the operation was successful.


Address of a variable that receives the cause of the character's last visibility state change and will be one of the following:

Value Description
const unsigned short NeverShown = 0;
Character has not been shown.
const unsigned short UserHid = 1;
User hid the character with the character's taskbar icon pop-up menu or using speech input.
const unsigned short UserShowed = 2;
User showed the character.
const unsigned short ProgramHid = 3;
Your application hid the character.
const unsigned short ProgramShowed = 4;
Your application showed the character.
const unsigned short OtherProgramHid = 5;
Another application hid the character.
const unsigned short OtherProgramShowed = 6;
Another application showed the character.
const unsigned short UserHidViaCharacterMenu = 7
User hid the character with the character's pop-up menu.
const unsigned short UserHidViaTaskbarIcon = UserHid
User hid the character with the character's taskbar icon pop-up menu or using speech input.

See Also
