
[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]

HRESULT Interrupt(
   long dwReqID,    // request ID to interrupt
   long * pdwReqID  // address of request ID

Interrupts the specified animation (request) of another character.

  • Returns S_OK to indicate the operation was successful. When the function returns, pdwReqID contains the ID of the request.


An ID of the request to interrupt.


Address of a variable that receives the Interrupt request ID.

If you load multiple characters, you can use this method to sync up animation between characters. For example, if another character is in a looping animation, this method will stop the looping animation and start the next animation in the character's queue.

Interrupt halts the existing animation, but does not flush the character's animation queue. It starts the next animation in the character's queue. To halt and flush a character's queue, use the Stop method.

You cannot use this method to have a character interrupt itself because the Microsoft Agent server queues the Interrupt method in the character's animation queue. Therefore, you can only use Interrupt to halt the animation of another character you have loaded.