Registering NDF Helper Class Extensions

Each helper class extension has a number of registry keys associated with it. Some keys are required by COM, and some keys are required by NDF.

COM Registry Keys

Helper class extensions must be implemented as COM servers. COM registration must be completed for each helper class extension. The object's CLSID, the INetDiagHelperInfo interface, and the INetDiagHelper interface must be registered. Registration creates a number of COM-related registry keys for the NDF helper class extension.

NDF Registry Keys

Helper class extensions must be registered before interacting with the Network Diagnostics Framework and with other related helper classes. This is accomplished by populating the registry.

The following procedure shows how to add helper class extensions to the registry.

  1. Publish the names of helper classes implemented by the DLL and their dependencies by creating a key for the DLL under

    HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetDiagFx\VendorName\HostDLLs\Helper Class DLL\HelperClasses\Helper Class Name

    Replace VendorName, Helper Class DLL, and Helper Class Name with user-defined values as described below.

    Value Type Meaning
    VendorName REG_SZ The name of the vendor.
    Helper Class DLL REG_SZ Name of the DLL, without extension.
    Helper Class Name REG_SZ The name of the helper class on which the current helper class is dependent.


  2. Under each Helper Class Name key, publish the following information.

    Value Type Meaning
    CLSID REG_SZ A string that contains the COM class ID of the helper class.
    Version REG_SZ A string the contains the major and minor versions of the helper class in the format <major><minor>.
    Published REG_DWORD A value of 1 means that this helper class is expected to be directly invoked from the Diagnostics client. 0 means that it can be called only from another helper class.
    Parent REG_SZ A string that names the Microsoft extensible helper class that is being extended.


  3. For each helper class, publish the list of matching attributes by creating a key under

    HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetDiagFx\VendorName\HostDLLs\Helper Class DLL\HelperClasses\Helper Class Name\MatchAttributes

    They key must contain one or more values (one per attribute) of the following type.

    Value Type Meaning
    AttributeName REG_SZ|REG_DWORD|REG_BINARY A value that completes the name and value pair for a particular attribute.