
This topic is not current. For the most current information, see the Print Schema Specification.

Describes the scaling characteristics of the output. Certain Options of this Feature requires the consumer to be able to determine characteristics of the "application content dimensions." In the absence of the ability to determine these characteristics, the consumer should default to the identity option. These characteristics are:

Scaling characteristic Description
Application Media Size The dimensions of the media defined by the application layout. The application media size may or may not correspond to a PageMediaSize supported by the consumer.
Application Content Size The dimensions of the media defined by the application layout. The application media size may or may not correspond to a PageMediaSize supported by the consumer.
Application Bleed Size The offset and extent of the application bleed area, an overflow box used by application for registration and layout, in relation to the application media size. The bleed area will be great than or equal to the application media size.

Element Information

Name Value
Element Type
Scoping Prefix
Top, Bottom, Left, and Right are relative to the PageImageableSize. Coordinates are relative to PageImageableSize, where the origin of is relative to the origin of the PageImageableSize.

Structural Content

The XML structure of this element is:

<psf:Feature name="psk:PageScaling">
  <psf:Property name="psf:SelectionType">
    <psf:Value xsi:type="xs:string">psk:PickOne</psf:Value>
  <psf:Option name="psk:_OptionName_">
    <psf:Property name="psf:IdentityOption">
      <psf:Value xsi:type="xs:string">_IdentityOptionValue_</psf:Value>
    <!-- Specifies offset of the width relative to the PageImageableSize.  
         Measured in microns. -->
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:OffsetWidth">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:PageScalingOffsetWidth" />
    <!-- Specifies offset of the height relative to the PageImageableSize.  
         Measured in microns. -->
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:OffsetHeight">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:PageScalingOffsetHeight" />
    <!-- Specifies the scaling percentage for the width dimension relative to the PageImageableSize. -->
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:ScaleWidth">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:PageScalingScaleWidth" />
    <!-- Specifies the scaling percentage for the height dimension relative to the PageImageableSize. -->
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:ScaleHeight">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:PageScalingScaleHeight" />
    <!-- Specifies the scaling percentage for square scaling (both dimensions are scaled equally). -->
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:Scale">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:PageScalingScale" />
  <!-- Specifies the alignment of the scaled content. -->
  <psf:Feature name="psk:ScaleOffsetAlignment">
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the center of the bottom edge of the media. -->
    <psf:Option name="psk:BottomCenter"/>
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the bottom left corner of the media. -->
    <psf:Option name="psk:BottomLeft" />
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the bottom right corner of the media. -->
    <psf:Option name="psk:BottomRight "/>
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the bottom right corner of the media. -->
    <psf:Option name="psk:Center"/>
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the center of the left edge of the media. -->
    <psf:Option name="psk:LeftCenter"/>
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the center of the right edge of the media. -->
    <psf:Option name="psk:RightCenter"/>
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the center of the top edge of the media. -->
    <psf:Option name="psk:TopCenter"/>
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the top left corner of the media. -->
    <psf:Option name="psk:TopLeft"/>
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the top right corner of the media. -->
    <psf:Option name="psk:TopRight"/>

Structure Variables

The following table outlines the characteristics of the variables defined in the XML structure.

Name Data type Unit Supported values Summary
Valid fully qualified name as defined by Namespaces in XML. If no namespace is specified, default namespace is assumed.
The name of the option.
True, False.
Defines an Option which when selected would disable this feature.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) Content

The public Print Schema keywords are defined in the namespace. The public Extensible Markup Language (XML) content for this keyword is defined below:

<psf:Feature name="psk:PageScaling">
  <psf:Property name="psf:SelectionType">
    <psf:Value xsi:type="xs:string">psk:PickOne</psf:Value>
  <psf:Option name="psk:Custom">
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:OffsetWidth">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:PageScalingOffsetWidth" />
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:OffsetHeight">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:PageScalingOffsetHeight" />
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:ScaleWidth">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:PageScalingScaleWidth" />
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:ScaleHeight">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:PageScalingScaleHeight" />
  <!-- Specifies a custom square scaling should be applied to the Application Media Size. -->
  <psf:Option name="psk:CustomSquare">
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:OffsetWidth">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:PageScalingOffsetWidth" />
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:OffsetHeight">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:PageScalingOffsetHeight" />
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:Scale">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:PageScalingScale" />

  <!-- Specifies the application bleed size should be scaled to the PageImageableSize preserving the aspect ratio. -->
  <psf:Option name="psk:FitApplicationBleedSizeToPageImageableSize" />
  <!-- Specifies the application content size should be scaled to the PageImageableSize preserving the aspect ratio. -->
  <psf:Option name="psk:FitApplicationContentSizeToPageImageableSize" />
  <!-- Specifies the application media size should be scaled to the PageImageableSize preserving the aspect ratio. -->
  <psf:Option name="psk:FitApplicationMediaSizeToPageImageableSize" />
  <!-- Specifies the application media size should be scaled to the PageMediaSize preserving the aspect ratio. -->
  <psf:Option name="psk:FitApplicationMediaSizeToPageMediaSize" />

  <!-- Specifies that no scaling should be applied. -->
  <psf:Option name="psk:None" />

  <!-- Specifies the alignment of the scaled content. -->
  <psf:Feature name="psk:ScaleOffsetAlignment">
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the center of the bottom edge of the media. -->
    <psf:Option name="psk:BottomCenter" />
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the bottom left corner of the media.-->
    <psf:Option name="psk:BottomLeft" />
    <!--Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the bottom right corner of the media.-->
    <psf:Option name="psk:BottomRight" />
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be centered on the media.-->
    <psf:Option name="psk:Center" />
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the center of the left edge of the media.-->
    <psf:Option name="psk:LeftCenter" />
    <!--Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the center of the right edge of the media.-->
    <psf:Option name="psk:RightCenter" />
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the center of the top edge of the media.-->
    <psf:Option name="psk:TopCenter" />
    <!--  Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the top left corner of the media.-->
    <psf:Option name="psk:TopLeft" />
    <!-- Specifies the scaling should be aligned on the top right corner of the media.-->
    <psf:Option name="psk:TopRight" />

Print Schema Specification