Privilege (requiredPrivilegesType) Element

Specifies the right of a task to perform various system-related operations, such as shutting down the system, loading device drivers, or changing the system time.

<xs:element name="Privilege"

The Privilege element is defined by the requiredPrivilegesType complex type.

Parent element

Element Derived from Description
RequiredPrivileges requiredPrivilegesType Contains the settings that the Task Scheduler uses to perform the task.


For C++ development, this information is accessed through the IPrincipal2::RequiredPrivilege property.


The following XML defines a settings element that specifies the right of a task to perform various system-related operations, such as shutting down the system, loading device drivers, or changing the system time.



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]

See also

Task Scheduler Schema Elements