Creating a Custom ContentProvider

The previous section demonstrated how to consume data from a built-in ContentProvider implementation. This section will explain how to build a custom ContentProvider and then consume its data.

About ContentProviders

A content provider class must inherit from ContentProvider. It should consist of an internal data store that is used to respond to queries and it should expose Uris and MIME Types as constants to help consuming code make valid requests for data.

URI (Authority)

ContentProviders are accessed in Android using a Uri. An application that exposes a ContentProvider sets the Uris that it will respond to in its AndroidManifest.xml file. When the application is installed, these Uris are registered so that other applications can access them.

In Mono for Android, the content provider class should have a [ContentProvider] attribute to specify the Uri (or Uris) that should be added to AndroidManifest.xml.

Mime Type

The typical format for MIME Types consists of two parts. Android ContentProviders commonly use these two strings for the first part of the MIME Type:

  1. – to represent a single row, use the ContentResolver.CursorItemBaseType constant in code.

  2. – for multiple rows, use the ContentResolver.CursorDirBaseType constant in code.

The second part of the MIME Type is specific to your application, and should use a reverse-DNS standard with a vnd. prefix. The sample code uses

Data Model Metadata

Consuming applications need to construct Uri queries to access different types of data. The base Uri can be expanded to refer to a particular table of data and may also include parameters to filter the results. The columns and clauses used with the resulting cursor to display data must also be declared.

To ensure that only valid Uri queries are constructed, it is customary to provide the valid strings as constant values. This makes it easier to access the ContentProvider because it makes the values discoverable via code-completion, and prevents typos in the strings.

In the previous example the android.provider.ContactsContract class exposed the metadata for the Contacts data. For our custom ContentProvider we will just expose the constants on the class itself.


There are three steps to creating and consuming a custom ContentProvider:

  1. Create a database class – Implement SQLiteOpenHelper.

  2. Create a ContentProvider class – Implement ContentProvider with an instance of the database, metadata exposed as constant values and methods to access the data.

  3. Access the ContentProvider via its Uri – Populate a CursorAdapter using the ContentProvider, accessed via its Uri.

As previously discussed, ContentProviders can be consumed from applications other than where they are defined. In this example the data is consumed in the same application, but keep in mind that other applications can also access it as long as they know the Uri and information about the schema (which is usually exposed as constant values).

Create a Database

Most ContentProvider implementations will be based on a SQLite database. The example database code in SimpleContentProvider/VegetableDatabase.cs creates a very simple two-column database, as shown:

class VegetableDatabase  : SQLiteOpenHelper {
  const string create_table_sql =
  const string DatabaseName = "vegetables.db";
  const int DatabaseVersion = 1;

  public VegetableDatabase(Context context) : base(context, DatabaseName, null, DatabaseVersion) { }
  public override void OnCreate(SQLiteDatabase db)
    // seed with data
    db.ExecSQL("INSERT INTO vegetables (name) VALUES ('Vegetables')");
    db.ExecSQL("INSERT INTO vegetables (name) VALUES ('Fruits')");
    db.ExecSQL("INSERT INTO vegetables (name) VALUES ('Flower Buds')");
    db.ExecSQL("INSERT INTO vegetables (name) VALUES ('Legumes')");
    db.ExecSQL("INSERT INTO vegetables (name) VALUES ('Bulbs')");
    db.ExecSQL("INSERT INTO vegetables (name) VALUES ('Tubers')");
  public override void OnUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

The database implementation itself does not need any special considerations to be exposed with a ContentProvider, however if you intend to bind the ContentProvider's data to a ListView control then a unique integer column named _id must be part of the result set. See the ListViews and Adapters document for more details on using the ListView control.

Create the ContentProvider

The rest of this section gives step-by-step instructions on how the SimpleContentProvider/VegetableProvider.cs example class was built.

Initialize the Database

The first step is to subclass ContentProvider and add the database that it will use.

public class VegetableProvider : ContentProvider
    VegetableDatabase vegeDB;
    public override bool OnCreate()
       vegeDB = new VegetableDatabase(Context);
        return true;

The rest of the code will form the actual content provider implementation that allows the data to be discovered and queried.

Add Metadata for Consumers

There are four different types of metadata that we are going to expose on the ContentProvider class. Only the authority is required, the rest are done by convention.

  • Authority – The ContentProvider attribute must be added to the class so that it is registered with the Android when the application is installed.

  • Uri – The CONTENT_URI is exposed as a constant so that it is easy to use in code. It should match the Authority, but include the scheme and base path.

  • MIME Types – Lists of results and single results are treated as different content types, so we define two MIME Types to represent them.

  • InterfaceConsts – Provide a constant value for each data column name, so that consuming code can easily discover and refer to them without risking typographical errors.

This code shows how each of these items is implemented, adding to the database definition from the previous step:

[ContentProvider(new string[] { CursorTableAdapter.VegetableProvider.AUTHORITY })]
public class VegetableProvider : ContentProvider
   public const string AUTHORITY = "com.xamarin.sample.VegetableProvider";
   static string BASE_PATH = "vegetables";
   public static readonly Android.Net.Uri CONTENT_URI = Android.Net.Uri.Parse("content://" + AUTHORITY + "/" + BASE_PATH);
   // MIME types used for getting a list, or a single vegetable
   public const string VEGETABLES_MIME_TYPE = ContentResolver.CursorDirBaseType + "/";
   public const string VEGETABLE_MIME_TYPE = ContentResolver.CursorItemBaseType + "/";
   // Column names
   public static class InterfaceConsts {
       public const string Id = "_id";
       public const string Name = "name";
   VegetableDatabase vegeDB;
   public override bool OnCreate()
       vegeDB = new VegetableDatabase(Context);
       return true;

Implement the URI Parsing Helper

Because consuming code uses Uris to make requests of a ContentProvider, we need to be able to parse those requests to determine what data to return. The UriMatcher class can help to parse Uris, once it has been initialized with the Uri patterns that the ContentProvider supports.

The UriMatcher in the example will be initialized with two Uris:

  1. "com.xamarin.sample.VegetableProvider/vegetables" – request to return the full list of vegetables.

  2. "com.xamarin.sample.VegetableProvider/vegetables/#" – where the # is a placeholder for a numeric parameter (the _id of the row in the database). An asterisk placeholder ("*") can also be used to match a text parameter.

In the code we use the constants to refer to metadata values like the AUTHORITY and BASE_PATH. The return codes will be used in methods that do Uri parsing, to determine what data to return.

const int GET_ALL = 0; // return code when list of Vegetables requested
const int GET_ONE = 1; // return code when a single Vegetable is requested by ID
static UriMatcher uriMatcher = BuildUriMatcher();
static UriMatcher BuildUriMatcher()
  var matcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NoMatch);
  // Uris to match, and the code to return when matched
  matcher.AddURI(AUTHORITY, BASE_PATH, GET_ALL); // all vegetables
  matcher.AddURI(AUTHORITY, BASE_PATH + "/#", GET_ONE); // specific vegetable by numeric ID
  return matcher;

This code is all private to the ContentProvider class. Refer to Google's UriMatcher documentation for further information.

Implement the QueryMethod

The simplest ContentProvider method to implement is the Query method. The implementation below uses the UriMatcher to parse the uri parameter and call the correct database method. If the uri contains an ID parameter then the integer is parsed out (using LastPathSegment) and used in the database query.

public override Android.Database.ICursor Query(Android.Net.Uri uri, string[] projection, string selection, string[] selectionArgs, string sortOrder)
  switch (uriMatcher.Match(uri)) {
  case GET_ALL:
    return GetFromDatabase();
  case GET_ONE:
    var id = uri.LastPathSegment;
    return GetFromDatabase(id); // the ID is the last part of the Uri
    throw new Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Uri: " + uri);
Android.Database.ICursor GetFromDatabase()
  return vegeDB.ReadableDatabase.RawQuery("SELECT _id, name FROM vegetables", null);
Android.Database.ICursor GetFromDatabase(string id)
  return vegeDB.ReadableDatabase.RawQuery("SELECT _id, name FROM vegetables WHERE _id = " + id, null);

The GetType method must also be overridden. This method may be called to determine the content type that will be returned for a given Uri. This might tell the consuming application how to handle that data.

public override String GetType(Android.Net.Uri uri)
  switch (uriMatcher.Match(uri)) {
  case GET_ALL:
    return VEGETABLES_MIME_TYPE; // list
  case GET_ONE:
    return VEGETABLE_MIME_TYPE; // single item
    throw new Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentExceptoin ("Unknown Uri: " + uri);

Implement the Other Overrides

Our simple example does not allow for editing or deletion of data, but the Insert, Update and Delete methods must be implemented so add them without an implementation:

public override int Delete(Android.Net.Uri uri, string selection, string[] selectionArgs)
  throw new Java.Lang.UnsupportedOperationException();
public override Android.Net.Uri Insert(Android.Net.Uri uri, ContentValues values)
  throw new Java.Lang.UnsupportedOperationException();
public override int Update(Android.Net.Uri uri, ContentValues values, string selection, string[] selectionArgs)
  throw new Java.Lang.UnsupportedOperationException();

That completes the basic ContentProvider implementation. Once the application has been installed, the data it exposes will be available both inside the application but also to any other application that knows the Uri to reference it.

Access the ContentProvider

Once the VegetableProvider has been implemented, accessing it is done the same way as the Contacts provider at the start of this document: obtain a cursor using the specified Uri and then use an adapter to access the data.

Bind a ListView to a ContentProvider

To populate a ListView with data we use the Uri that corresponds to the unfiltered list of vegetables. In the code we use the constant value VegetableProvider.CONTENT_URI, which we know resolves to com.xamarin.sample.vegetableprovider/vegetables. Our VegetableProvider.Query implementation will return a cursor that can then be bound to the ListView.

The code in SimpleContentProvider/HomeScreen.cs shows how simple it is to display data from a ContentProvider:

listView = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.List);
string[] projection = new string[] { VegetableProvider.InterfaceConsts.Id, VegetableProvider.InterfaceConsts.Name} ;
string[] fromColumns = new string[] { VegetableProvider.InterfaceConsts.Name };
int[] toControlIds = new int[] { Android.Resource.Id.Text1 };

// CursorLoader introduced in Honeycomb (3.0, API_11)
var loader = new CursorLoader(this,
   VegetableProvider.CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, null);
cursor = (ICursor)loader.LoadInBackground();

// Create a SimpleCursorAdapter
adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, cursor, fromColumns, toControlIds);
listView.Adapter = adapter;

The resulting application looks like this:

Screenshot of app listing Vegetables, Fruits, Flower Buds, Legumes, Bulbs, Tubers

Retrieve a Single Item from a ContentProvider

A consuming application might also want to access single rows of data, which can be done by constructing a different Uri that refers to a specific row (for example).

Use ContentResolver directly to access a single item, by building up a Uri with the required Id.

Uri.WithAppendedPath(VegetableProvider.CONTENT_URI, id.ToString());

The complete method looks like this:

protected void OnListItemClick(object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e)
  var id = e.Id;
  string[] projection = new string[] { "name" };
  var uri = Uri.WithAppendedPath(VegetableProvider.CONTENT_URI, id.ToString());
  ICursor vegeCursor = ContentResolver.Query(uri, projection, null, new string[] { id.ToString() }, null);
  string text = "";
  if (vegeCursor.MoveToFirst()) {
    text = vegeCursor.GetInt(0) + " " + vegeCursor.GetString(1);
    Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText(this, text, Android.Widget.ToastLength.Short).Show();