Xamarin Community Toolkit LocalizedString

The LocalizedString class enables users to respond to system culture changes in C# code at runtime. It uses the built-in LocalizationResourceManager helper class to react to changes in the active CultureInfo.


The following code raises the PropertyChanged event and regenerates the string using function provided in constructor, when the LocalizationResourceManager.Current.PropertyChanged event is raised. As a result, the page will be updated with the localized value using the new culture.


public LocalizedString AppVersion { get; } = new(() => string.Format(AppResources.Version, AppInfo.VersionString));


<Label Text="{Binding AppVersion.Localized}"/>


Version: 1.0.0


For this example to work, you also need to update AppResources.Culture when LocalizationResourceManager.Current.CurrentCulture changes. To do this, add the following code above the LocalizationResourceManager.Current.Init() call:

LocalizationResourceManager.Current.PropertyChanged += (_, _) => AppResources.Culture = LocalizationResourceManager.Current.CurrentCulture;


Property Type Description
Localized string Returns a localized string using the current culture.


Events Description
PropertyChanged Provides notification of a culture change.

Sample project

Settings sample page Source

You can see this class in action in the Xamarin community toolkit sample app.