

Open-PackagePage (Package Manager Console in Visual Studio)

Deprecated in 3.0+; available only within the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio on Windows.

Launches the default browser with the project, license, or report abuse URL for the specified package.


Open-PackagePage [-Id] <string> [-Version] [-Source] [-License] [-ReportAbuse]
    [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]


Parameter Description
Id The package ID of the desired package. The -Id switch itself is optional.
Version The version of the package, defaulting to the latest version.
Source The package source, defaulting to the selected source in the source drop-down.
License Opens the browser to the package's License URL. If neither -License nor -ReportAbuse is specified, the browser opens the package's Project URL.
ReportAbuse Opens the browser to the package's Report Abuse URL. If neither -License nor -ReportAbuse is specified, the browser opens the package's Project URL.
PassThru Displays the URL; use with -WhatIf to suppress opening the browser.

None of these parameters accept pipeline input or wildcard characters.

Common Parameters

Open-PackagePage supports the following common PowerShell parameters: Debug, Error Action, ErrorVariable, OutBuffer, OutVariable, PipelineVariable, Verbose, WarningAction, and WarningVariable.


# Opens a browser with the Ninject package's project page
Open-PackagePage Ninject

# Opens a browser with the Ninject package's license page
Open-PackagePage Ninject -License

# Opens a browser with the Ninject package's report abuse page  
Open-PackagePage Ninject -ReportAbuse

# Assigns the license URL to the variable, $url, without launching the browser
$url = Open-PackagePage Ninject -License -PassThru -WhatIf