
Update a new commerce migration schedule

Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government

This article describes how to update a new commerce migration schedule. Partners can update before the scheduled target date.


This API is currently only available in the Sandbox tenant.


  • Credentials as described in Partner Center authentication. This scenario supports authentication with both standalone App and App+User credentials.

  • A customer ID (customer-tenant-id). If you don't know the customer's ID, you can look it up in Partner Center by selecting the Customers workspace, then the customer from the customer list, then Account. On the customer’s Account page, look for the Microsoft ID in the Customer Account Info section. The Microsoft ID is the same as the customer ID (customer-tenant-id).

  • A current subscription ID

REST request

Request syntax

Method Request URI
PUT {baseURL}/v1/customers/{customer-tenant-id}/migrations/newcommerce/schedules/{scheduleID}

URI parameter

This table lists the required query parameters to create a new commerce migration.

Name Type Required Description
customer-tenant-id string Yes A GUID-formatted string that identifies the customer.
scheduleID string Yes A GUID-formatted string that identified the schedule

Request headers

For more information, see Partner Center REST headers.

Request body

This table describes the subscription properties in the request body.

Property Type Required Description
currentSubscriptionId string Yes A subscription identifier that indicates which subscription requires validation for migration. Not allowed for update operation.
termDuration string No Term duration can be specified to be changed upon migration.
billingCycle string No Billing cycle can be specified to be changed upon migration.
purchaseFullTerm bool No A new term can be started in NCE upon migration.
quantity int No License quantity for a subscription can be increased or decreased upon migration.
customTermEndDate datetime No An end-date can be set to align with an existing non-trial OnlineServicesNCE subscription or calendar month. There is more information on aligning subscription end dates here: Align subscription end dates in Partner Center
targetDate datetime No Target Date when to schedule the migration. If targetDate is set for specified date, the migrationOnRenewal can be set to null or false.
migrateOnRenewal bool No If the flag is set true for migrateOnRenewal, there is no need to specific the targetDate for scheduling a migration.

Request example

"id": "f016c025-a873-47af-8b52-2516fbef4c65",
"currentSubscriptionId": "c6105a9c-36cb-4f88-92ea-9573040725c4",
"status": "Created",
"customerTenantId": "6f297517-16e6-4313-8c6d-4e10496d2871",
"quantity": 25,
"termDuration": "P1Y",
"billingCycle": "Monthly",
"purchaseFullTerm": false,
"targetDate": "2022-10-30T00:00:00"

REST response

If successful, this method returns details of the subscriptions being migrated (migration object) in the response body.

Response success and error codes

Each response comes with an HTTP status code that indicates success or failure and additional debugging information. Use a network trace tool to read this code, error type, and additional parameters. For the full list, see Partner Center REST error codes.

Response examples

"id": "f016c025-a873-47af-8b52-2516fbef4c65",
"currentSubscriptionId": "c6105a9c-36cb-4f88-92ea-9573040725c4",
"subscriptionEndDate": "2023-07-19T00:00:00Z",
"status": "Created",
"customerTenantId": "6f297517-16e6-4313-8c6d-4e10496d2871",
"quantity": 25,
"termDuration": "P1Y",
"billingCycle": "Monthly",
"purchaseFullTerm": false,
"targetDate": "2022-10-30T00:00:00",
"createdTime": "2022-10-18T21:20:50.9668605+00:00",
"lastModifiedTime": "2022-10-18T21:29:32.8992819+00:00"

See also