
The App page


The ISV Studio preview has ended with the decision to not continue. ISV Studio will be removed on May 31, 2024. Learn more about the removal of ISV Studio.

After the user selects an app, the user is navigated to the app's detail page, which provides a view to analyze the install history across tenants for that particular app. The app description is from AppSource.

App detail page

The app detail page contains the following graphs and metrics.

Installs by date

The line chart shown below illustrates the number of app installations occurred by date.

When hovering over the graph, the following information is shown:

Install Count: Number of app installations happened on a particular date.

Package installs by environment type

Installs by geo

The pie chart shown below illustrates the number of app installations occurred by Geo.

When hovering over the graph, the following information is shown:

  1. Geo
  2. Install Count

Package install attempts by tenant (last 28 days).

Installs by environment

The pie chart shown below illustrates the ratio of production vs. sandbox app installs across the install base.

When hovering over the graph, the following information is shown:

  1. Environment
  2. Install Count

Package installs by location of tenants

Installs by tenant

The column chart shown below displays the package unique names where versions of the selected app are displayed. All packages are selected by default, and all installed versions of all package (by tenant) are displayed on the graph. The user can select one or more packages and versions for further slicing and dicing. When the user selects a package, the version drop-down is updated to have the corresponding version of the selected package.

When hovering over any item of the graph, the following information is shown:

  1. Tenant
  2. Count
  3. Package
  4. Version
  5. Environment

Package and version installs by tenant

Filtering the app page

ISVs can filter the app page using the filters available. For example, an ISV can filter to see the metrics at Package & Solution version, Geo, and Date range level.

See also

Introduction to ISV Studio for the Power Platform
Home page
Tenant page
AppSource checker
Connector Certification