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PerfView Version 1.9 Released to the Web


Today I have updated the PerfView Download Site, to version 1.9 of the program.   In particular this version has a fix for a symbol resolution on data collected from older (e.g. Win7 OSes) machine that I mentioned in a previous blog post.    It also has a number of other notable features

  • Generalization of Thread Time views support arbitrary requests demarked by user defined Start-Stop events
  • Significantly improved support for Async and Parallel activities in the 'Thread Time' Views
  • Can display file disk usage in the stack view using the Size -> DirectorySize option
  • Supports reading a very simple *.PerfView.XML or *.PerfView.JSON file, which enable reading data from 'foreign' profilers.
  • Support for Windows 10 self describing ETW events
  • Support for EventSource causality tracking
  • Support for V4.6.2 .NET Runtimes that line number level on NGEN images (e.g. the framework) even if IL PDBS are not available when NGEN images were created

Some of these features need a bit of a 'walk through' to show how useful they are, so I will be blogging about that in the days and weeks ahead.  

In particular you can now view data that was collected on a Linux machine or consume data from other 'foreign' profilers (or other hierarchical data sources).  

If you are new to PerfView the easiest way to get going is to simply download it (you are only a few clicks away).   Or for the less adventurous, you can watch some of the PerfView videos on channel 9.  
