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TraceEvent Nuget package has moved from Prelease to Stable

Back in August in this blog enty, I announced that the TraceEvent Library Nuget Package and the TraceEvent Library Samples Nuget Package have been published at as Prerelease software. 

Well I just updated this to be a stable version (version 1.0.5).  

For those who don't already know, TraceEvent is a library for parsing data that comes from Event Tracing for window (ETW) which include events you generate yourself with System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.    If you are in need of a logging system on windows machines you should definitely at least be looking at ETW, and TraceEvent is a great companion.  

You can see this blog entry for the formal announcement of the library. or my August blog entry for more details.     The release has been very stable over the 4 months since August, and most things have not changed.

The biggest different is that the TraceEvent Programmers Guide has been fleshed out a bit more (but still not complete).    
