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Bibliothèque de client de gestion microsoft Azure HDInsight Containers pour .NET

Microsoft Azure HDInsgiht Containers (HDInsight sur AKS) simplifie le déploiement d’un cluster hdinsight basé sur AKS.

Cette bibliothèque prend en charge la gestion des ressources microsoft Azure HDInsgiht Containers.

Cette bibliothèque suit les nouvelles recommandations du Kit de développement logiciel (SDK) Azure et fournit de nombreuses fonctionnalités de base :

- Support MSAL.NET, Azure.Identity is out of box for supporting MSAL.NET.
- Support [OpenTelemetry]( for distributed tracing.
- HTTP pipeline with custom policies.
- Better error-handling.
- Support uniform telemetry across all languages.

Prise en main

Installez le package (étant donné que nous sommes maintenant en préversion privée status, la méthode ci-dessous ne fonctionne pas, envoyez un e-mail à pour installer le nuget à partir de notre flux nuget privé)

Installez la bibliothèque de gestion Azure HDInsight sur AKS pour .NET avec NuGet :

dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.HDInsight.Containers --prerelease


Authentifier le client

Pour créer un client authentifié et commencer à interagir avec les ressources Microsoft Azure, consultez le guide de démarrage rapide ici.

Concepts clés

Les concepts clés du kit de développement logiciel Microsoft Azure SDK pour .NET sont disponibles ici.


La documentation est disponible pour vous aider à apprendre à utiliser ce package :


Espaces de noms pour cet exemple :

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Azure.ResourceManager;
using Azure.Identity;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.ResourceManager.HDInsight.Containers;
using Azure.ResourceManager.HDInsight.Containers.Models;

Lorsque vous créez votre client ARM pour la première fois, choisissez l’abonnement dans lequel vous allez travailler. Vous pouvez utiliser les GetDefaultSubscription/GetDefaultSubscriptionAsync méthodes pour retourner l’abonnement par défaut configuré pour votre utilisateur :

ArmClient armClient = new ArmClient(new DefaultAzureCredential());
SubscriptionResource subscription = armClient.GetDefaultSubscription();

Créer un pool de clusters

// define the prerequisites information: subscription, resource group and location where you want to create the resource
string subscriptionResourceId = "/subscriptions/{subscription id}"; // your subscription resource id like /subscriptions/{subscription id}
string resourceGroupName = "{your resource group name}"; // your resource group name
AzureLocation location = AzureLocation.EastUS; // your location

SubscriptionResource subscription = armClient.GetSubscriptionResource(new ResourceIdentifier(resourceId: subscriptionResourceId));
ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = subscription.GetResourceGroup(resourceGroupName);
HDInsightClusterPoolCollection clusterPoolCollection = resourceGroupResource.GetHDInsightClusterPools();

// create the cluster pool
string clusterPoolName = "{your cluster pool name}";
string clusterPoolVmSize = "Standard_E4s_v3"; // the vmsize

// get the available cluster pool version
var availableClusterPoolVersion = subscription.GetAvailableClusterPoolVersionsByLocation(location).FirstOrDefault();

// initialize the ClusterPoolData instance
HDInsightClusterPoolData clusterPoolData = new HDInsightClusterPoolData(location)
    ComputeProfile = new ClusterPoolComputeProfile(clusterPoolVmSize),
    ClusterPoolVersion = availableClusterPoolVersion?.ClusterPoolVersionValue,

var clusterPoolResult = clusterPoolCollection.CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil.Completed, clusterPoolName, clusterPoolData);

Créer un cluster Trino simple

// define the prerequisites information: subscription, resource group and location where you want to create the resource
string subscriptionResourceId = "/subscriptions/{subscription id}"; // your subscription resource id like /subscriptions/{subscription id}
string resourceGroupName = "{your resource group}"; // your resource group name
AzureLocation location = AzureLocation.EastUS; // your location

SubscriptionResource subscription = armClient.GetSubscriptionResource(new ResourceIdentifier(resourceId: subscriptionResourceId));
ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = subscription.GetResourceGroup(resourceGroupName);
HDInsightClusterPoolCollection clusterPoolCollection = resourceGroupResource.GetHDInsightClusterPools();

// create the cluster
string clusterPoolName = "{your cluster pool name}";
string clusterName = "{your cluster name}";
string clusterType = "Trino"; // your cluster type

// get the available cluster version
var availableClusterVersion = subscription.GetAvailableClusterVersionsByLocation(location).Where(version => version.ClusterType.Equals(clusterType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();

// set the identity profile
string msiResourceId = "{your user msi resource id}";
string msiClientId = "{your user msi client id}";
string msiObjectId = "{your user msi object id}";
var identityProfile = new HDInsightIdentityProfile(msiResourceId: new ResourceIdentifier(msiResourceId), msiClientId: msiClientId, msiObjectId: msiObjectId);

// set the authorization profile
var userId = "{your aad user id}";
var authorizationProfile = new AuthorizationProfile();

// set the cluster node profile
string vmSize = "Standard_D8s_v3"; // your vms ize
int workerCount = 5;
ClusterComputeNodeProfile nodeProfile = new ClusterComputeNodeProfile(nodeProfileType: "worker", vmSize: vmSize, count: workerCount);

// initialize the ClusterData instance
var clusterData = new HDInsightClusterData(location)
    ClusterType = clusterType,
    ClusterProfile = new ClusterProfile(clusterVersion: availableClusterVersion?.ClusterVersion, ossVersion: availableClusterVersion?.OssVersion, identityProfile: identityProfile, authorizationProfile: authorizationProfile)
        TrinoProfile = new TrinoProfile(),  // here is related with cluster type

var clusterCollection = clusterPoolCollection.Get(clusterPoolName).Value.GetHDInsightClusters();

var clusterResult = clusterCollection.CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil.Completed, clusterName, clusterData);

Créer un cluster Spark simple

// define the prerequisites information: subscription, resource group and location where you want to create the resource
string subscriptionResourceId = "/subscriptions/{subscription id}"; // your subscription resource id like /subscriptions/{subscription id}
string resourceGroupName = "{your resource group}"; // your resource group name
AzureLocation location = AzureLocation.EastUS; // your location

SubscriptionResource subscription = armClient.GetSubscriptionResource(new ResourceIdentifier(resourceId: subscriptionResourceId));
ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = subscription.GetResourceGroup(resourceGroupName);
HDInsightClusterPoolCollection clusterPoolCollection = resourceGroupResource.GetHDInsightClusterPools();

// create the cluster
string clusterPoolName = "{your cluster pool name}";
string clusterName = "{your cluster name}";
string clusterType = "Spark"; // your cluster type here is Spark

// get the available cluster version
var availableClusterVersion = subscription.GetAvailableClusterVersionsByLocation(location).Where(version => version.ClusterType.Equals(clusterType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();

// set the identity profile
string msiResourceId = "{your user msi resource id}";
string msiClientId = "{your user msi client id}";
string msiObjectId = "{your user msi object id}";
var identityProfile = new HDInsightIdentityProfile(msiResourceId: new ResourceIdentifier(msiResourceId), msiClientId: msiClientId, msiObjectId: msiObjectId);

// set the authorization profile
var userId = "{your aad user id}";
var authorizationProfile = new AuthorizationProfile();

// set the cluster node profile
string vmSize = "Standard_D8s_v3"; // your vms ize
int workerCount = 5;
ClusterComputeNodeProfile nodeProfile = new ClusterComputeNodeProfile(nodeProfileType: "worker", vmSize: vmSize, count: workerCount);

// initialize the ClusterData instance
var clusterData = new HDInsightClusterData(location)
    ClusterType = clusterType,
    ClusterProfile = new ClusterProfile(clusterVersion: availableClusterVersion?.ClusterVersion, ossVersion: availableClusterVersion?.OssVersion, identityProfile: identityProfile, authorizationProfile: authorizationProfile)
        SparkProfile = new SparkProfile(),  // here is related with cluster type

var clusterCollection = clusterPoolCollection.Get(clusterPoolName).Value.GetHDInsightClusters();

var clusterResult = clusterCollection.CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil.Completed, clusterName, clusterData);
// define the prerequisites information: subscription, resource group and location where you want to create the resource
string subscriptionResourceId = "/subscriptions/{subscription id}"; // your subscription resource id like /subscriptions/{subscription id}
string resourceGroupName = "{your resource group}"; // your resource group name
AzureLocation location = AzureLocation.EastUS; // your location

SubscriptionResource subscription = armClient.GetSubscriptionResource(new ResourceIdentifier(resourceId: subscriptionResourceId));
ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = subscription.GetResourceGroup(resourceGroupName);
HDInsightClusterPoolCollection clusterPoolCollection = resourceGroupResource.GetHDInsightClusterPools();

// create the cluster
string clusterPoolName = "{your cluster pool name}";
string clusterName = "{your cluster name}";
string clusterType = "Flink"; // cluster type

// get the available cluster version
var availableClusterVersion = subscription.GetAvailableClusterVersionsByLocation(location).Where(version => version.ClusterType.Equals(clusterType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).LastOrDefault();

// set the identity profile
string msiResourceId = "{your user msi resource id}";
string msiClientId = "{your user msi client id}";
string msiObjectId = "{your user msi object id}";
var identityProfile = new HDInsightIdentityProfile(msiResourceId: new ResourceIdentifier(msiResourceId), msiClientId: msiClientId, msiObjectId: msiObjectId);

// set the authorization profile
var userId = "{your aad user id}";
var authorizationProfile = new AuthorizationProfile();

// set the cluster node profile
string vmSize = "Standard_D8s_v3"; // your vm size
int workerCount = 5;
ClusterComputeNodeProfile nodeProfile = new ClusterComputeNodeProfile(nodeProfileType: "worker", vmSize: vmSize, count: workerCount);
// initialize the ClusterData instance
var clusterData = new HDInsightClusterData(location)
    ClusterType = clusterType,
    ClusterProfile = new ClusterProfile(clusterVersion: availableClusterVersion?.ClusterVersion, ossVersion: availableClusterVersion?.OssVersion, identityProfile: identityProfile, authorizationProfile: authorizationProfile),

// set flink profile
string storageUri = "abfs://{your storage account container name}@{yoru storage account}"; // your adlsgen2 storage uri
FlinkStorageProfile flinkStorageProfile = new FlinkStorageProfile(storageUri);

ComputeResourceRequirement jobManager = new ComputeResourceRequirement((float)1.0, 2048);
ComputeResourceRequirement taskManager = new ComputeResourceRequirement((float)1.0, 2048);

clusterData.ClusterProfile.FlinkProfile = new FlinkProfile(storage: flinkStorageProfile, jobManager: jobManager, taskManager: taskManager);

var clusterCollection = clusterPoolCollection.Get(clusterPoolName).Value.GetHDInsightClusters();

var clusterResult = clusterCollection.CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil.Completed, clusterName, clusterData);

Créer un cluster Trino avec Hms

// define the prerequisites information: subscription, resource group and location where you want to create the resource
string subscriptionResourceId = "/subscriptions/{subscription id}"; // your subscription resource id like /subscriptions/{subscription id}
string resourceGroupName = "{your resource group}"; // your resource group name
AzureLocation location = AzureLocation.EastUS; // your location

SubscriptionResource subscription = armClient.GetSubscriptionResource(new ResourceIdentifier(resourceId: subscriptionResourceId));
ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = subscription.GetResourceGroup(resourceGroupName);
HDInsightClusterPoolCollection clusterPoolCollection = resourceGroupResource.GetHDInsightClusterPools();

// create the cluster
string clusterPoolName = "{your cluster pool name}";
string clusterName = "{your cluster name}";
string clusterType = "Trino"; // your cluster type

// get the available cluster version
var availableClusterVersion = subscription.GetAvailableClusterVersionsByLocation(location).Where(version => version.ClusterType.Equals(clusterType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();

// set the identity profile
string msiResourceId = "{your user msi resource id}";
string msiClientId = "{your user msi client id}";
string msiObjectId = "{your user msi object id}";
var identityProfile = new HDInsightIdentityProfile(msiResourceId: new ResourceIdentifier(msiResourceId), msiClientId: msiClientId, msiObjectId: msiObjectId);

// set the authorization profile
var userId = "{your aad user id}";
var authorizationProfile = new AuthorizationProfile();

// set the cluster node profile
string vmSize = "Standard_D8s_v3"; // your vms ize
int workerCount = 5;
ClusterComputeNodeProfile nodeProfile = new ClusterComputeNodeProfile(nodeProfileType: "worker", vmSize: vmSize, count: workerCount);

// initialize the ClusterData instance
var clusterData = new HDInsightClusterData(location)
    ClusterType = clusterType,
    ClusterProfile = new ClusterProfile(clusterVersion: availableClusterVersion?.ClusterVersion, ossVersion: availableClusterVersion?.OssVersion, identityProfile: identityProfile, authorizationProfile: authorizationProfile),

// set secret profile
string kvResourceId = "{your key vault resource id}";
string secretName = "{your secret reference name}";
string keyVaultObjectName = "{your key vault secret name}";

var secretReference = new ClusterSecretReference(referenceName: secretName, KeyVaultObjectType.Secret, keyVaultObjectName: keyVaultObjectName);
clusterData.ClusterProfile.SecretsProfile = new ClusterSecretsProfile(new ResourceIdentifier(kvResourceId));

// set trino profile
string catalogName = "{your catalog name}";
string metastoreDbConnectionUriString = "jdbc:sqlserver://{your sql server name};database={your database name};encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true;loginTimeout=30;";
string metastoreDbUserName = "{your db user name}";
string metastoreDbPasswordSecret = secretName;
string metastoreWarehouseDir = "abfs://{your adlsgen2 storage account container}@{your adlsgen2 storage account}{sub folder path}";

TrinoProfile trinoProfile = new TrinoProfile();
    new HiveCatalogOption(
        catalogName: catalogName,
        metastoreDBConnectionPasswordSecret: metastoreDbPasswordSecret,
        metastoreDBConnectionUriString: metastoreDbConnectionUriString,
        metastoreDBConnectionUserName: metastoreDbUserName,
        metastoreWarehouseDir: metastoreWarehouseDir)

clusterData.ClusterProfile.TrinoProfile = trinoProfile;

var clusterCollection = clusterPoolCollection.Get(clusterPoolName).Value.GetHDInsightClusters();

var clusterResult = clusterCollection.CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil.Completed, clusterName, clusterData);

Créer un cluster Spark avec Hms

// define the prerequisites information: subscription, resource group and location where you want to create the resource
string subscriptionResourceId = "/subscriptions/{subscription id}"; // your subscription resource id like /subscriptions/{subscription id}
string resourceGroupName = "{your resource group}"; // your resource group name
AzureLocation location = AzureLocation.EastUS; // your location

SubscriptionResource subscription = armClient.GetSubscriptionResource(new ResourceIdentifier(resourceId: subscriptionResourceId));
ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = subscription.GetResourceGroup(resourceGroupName);
HDInsightClusterPoolCollection clusterPoolCollection = resourceGroupResource.GetHDInsightClusterPools();

// create the cluster
string clusterPoolName = "{your cluster pool name}";
string clusterName = "{your cluster name}";
string clusterType = "Spark"; // your cluster type here is Spark

// get the available cluster version
var availableClusterVersion = subscription.GetAvailableClusterVersionsByLocation(location).Where(version => version.ClusterType.Equals(clusterType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();

// set the identity profile
string msiResourceId = "{your user msi resource id}";
string msiClientId = "{your user msi client id}";
string msiObjectId = "{your user msi object id}";
var identityProfile = new HDInsightIdentityProfile(msiResourceId: new ResourceIdentifier(msiResourceId), msiClientId: msiClientId, msiObjectId: msiObjectId);

// set the authorization profile
var userId = "{your aad user id}";
var authorizationProfile = new AuthorizationProfile();

// set the cluster node profile
string vmSize = "Standard_D8s_v3"; // your vms ize
int workerCount = 5;
ClusterComputeNodeProfile nodeProfile = new ClusterComputeNodeProfile(nodeProfileType: "worker", vmSize: vmSize, count: workerCount);

// initialize the ClusterData instance
var clusterData = new HDInsightClusterData(location)
    ClusterType = clusterType,
    ClusterProfile = new ClusterProfile(clusterVersion: availableClusterVersion?.ClusterVersion, ossVersion: availableClusterVersion?.OssVersion, identityProfile: identityProfile, authorizationProfile: authorizationProfile),

// set secret profile
string kvResourceId = "{your key vault resource id}";
string secretName = "{your secret reference name}";
string keyVaultObjectName = "{your key vault secret name}";

var secretReference = new ClusterSecretReference(referenceName: secretName, KeyVaultObjectType.Secret, keyVaultObjectName: keyVaultObjectName);
clusterData.ClusterProfile.SecretsProfile = new ClusterSecretsProfile(new ResourceIdentifier(kvResourceId));

// set spark profile
string defaultStorageUriString = "abfs://{your adlsgen2 storage account container}@{your adlsgen2 storage account}";
string dbServerHost = "{your sql server name}";
string dbUserName = "{your db user name}";
string dbName = "{yoru db name}";
string dbPasswordSecretName = secretName;

SparkProfile sparkProfile = new SparkProfile();
sparkProfile.DefaultStorageUriString = defaultStorageUriString;
sparkProfile.MetastoreSpec = new SparkMetastoreSpec(dbServerHost: dbServerHost, dbName: dbName, dbUserName: dbUserName, dbPasswordSecretName: dbPasswordSecretName, keyVaultId: kvResourceId);

clusterData.ClusterProfile.SparkProfile = sparkProfile;

var clusterCollection = clusterPoolCollection.Get(clusterPoolName).Value.GetHDInsightClusters();

var clusterResult = clusterCollection.CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil.Completed, clusterName, clusterData);
// define the prerequisites information: subscription, resource group and location where you want to create the resource
string subscriptionResourceId = "/subscriptions/{subscription id}"; // your subscription resource id like /subscriptions/{subscription id}
string resourceGroupName = "{your resource group}"; // your resource group name
AzureLocation location = AzureLocation.EastUS; // your location

SubscriptionResource subscription = armClient.GetSubscriptionResource(new ResourceIdentifier(resourceId: subscriptionResourceId));
ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = subscription.GetResourceGroup(resourceGroupName);
HDInsightClusterPoolCollection clusterPoolCollection = resourceGroupResource.GetHDInsightClusterPools();

// create the cluster
string clusterPoolName = "{your cluster pool name}";
string clusterName = "{your cluster name}";
string clusterType = "Flink"; // cluster type

// get the available cluster version
var availableClusterVersion = subscription.GetAvailableClusterVersionsByLocation(location).Where(version => version.ClusterType.Equals(clusterType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).LastOrDefault();

// set the identity profile
string msiResourceId = "{your user msi resource id}";
string msiClientId = "{your user msi client id}";
string msiObjectId = "{your user msi object id}";
var identityProfile = new HDInsightIdentityProfile(msiResourceId: new ResourceIdentifier(msiResourceId), msiClientId: msiClientId, msiObjectId: msiObjectId);

// set the authorization profile
var userId = "{your aad user id}";
var authorizationProfile = new AuthorizationProfile();

// set the cluster node profile
string vmSize = "Standard_D8s_v3"; // your vm size
int workerCount = 5;
ClusterComputeNodeProfile nodeProfile = new ClusterComputeNodeProfile(nodeProfileType: "worker", vmSize: vmSize, count: workerCount);

// initialize the ClusterData instance
var clusterData = new HDInsightClusterData(location)
    ClusterType = clusterType,
    ClusterProfile = new ClusterProfile(clusterVersion: availableClusterVersion?.ClusterVersion, ossVersion: availableClusterVersion?.OssVersion, identityProfile: identityProfile, authorizationProfile: authorizationProfile),

// set secret profile
string kvResourceId = "{your key vault resource id}";
string secretName = "{your secret reference name}";
string keyVaultObjectName = "{your key vault secret name}";

var secretReference = new ClusterSecretReference(referenceName: secretName, KeyVaultObjectType.Secret, keyVaultObjectName: keyVaultObjectName);
clusterData.ClusterProfile.SecretsProfile = new ClusterSecretsProfile(new ResourceIdentifier(kvResourceId));

// set flink profile

string storageUri = "abfs://{your adlsgen2 storage account container}@{your adlsgen2 storage account}";
FlinkStorageProfile flinkStorageProfile = new FlinkStorageProfile(storageUri);

ComputeResourceRequirement jobManager = new ComputeResourceRequirement((float)1.0, 2048);
ComputeResourceRequirement taskManager = new ComputeResourceRequirement((float)1.0, 2048);

// set flink catalog
string metastoreDbConnectionUriString = "jdbc:sqlserver://{your sql server name};database={your database name};encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true;loginTimeout=30;";
string metastoreDbUserName = "{your db user name}";
string metastoreDbPasswordSecret = secretName;

FlinkHiveCatalogOption flinkHiveCatalogOption = new FlinkHiveCatalogOption(metastoreDBConnectionPasswordSecret: metastoreDbPasswordSecret, metastoreDBConnectionUriString: metastoreDbConnectionUriString, metastoreDBConnectionUserName: metastoreDbUserName);
clusterData.ClusterProfile.FlinkProfile = new FlinkProfile(storage: flinkStorageProfile, jobManager: jobManager, taskManager: taskManager);
clusterData.ClusterProfile.FlinkProfile.CatalogOptionsHive = flinkHiveCatalogOption;

var clusterCollection = clusterPoolCollection.Get(clusterPoolName).Value.GetHDInsightClusters();
var clusterResult = clusterCollection.CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil.Completed, clusterName, clusterData);

Autres exemples

Vous trouverez d’autres exemples de code pour l’utilisation de la bibliothèque de gestion pour .NET aux emplacements suivants

Résolution des problèmes

Étapes suivantes

Pour plus d’informations sur le Kit de développement logiciel (SDK) Microsoft Azure, consultez ce site web.


Pour plus d’informations sur la contribution à ce dépôt, consultez le guide de contribution.

Ce projet accepte les contributions et les suggestions. La plupart des contributions vous demandent d’accepter un contrat de licence de contribution (CLA) déclarant que vous avez le droit de nous accorder, et que vous nous accordez réellement, les droits d’utilisation de votre contribution. Pour plus d’informations, visitez

Lorsque vous envoyez une demande de tirage, un bot CLA détermine automatiquement si vous devez fournir un cla cla et décorer la demande de tirage de manière appropriée (par exemple, étiquette, commentaire). Suivez les instructions fournies par le bot. Vous n’aurez besoin d’effectuer cette action qu’une seule fois sur tous les dépôts à l’aide de notre cla cla.

Ce projet a adopté le Code de conduite Open Source de Microsoft. Pour plus d’informations, consultez les Questions fréquentes (FAQ) sur le code de conduite ou envoyez vos questions ou vos commentaires à