Partager via

Word.UnderlineType enum

Styles pris en charge pour le format de soulignement.


[ Ensemble d’API : WordApi 1.1 ]


// Underline format text
// Run a batch operation against the Word object model.
await (context) => {

    // Create a range proxy object for the current selection.
    const selection = context.document.getSelection();

    // Queue a command to underline the current selection.
    selection.font.underline = Word.UnderlineType.single;

    // Synchronize the document state by executing the queued commands,
    // and return a promise to indicate task completion.
    await context.sync();
    console.log('The selection now has an underline style.');


dashLine = "DashLine"

Trait de soulignement d’un seul tiret.

dashLineHeavy = "DashLineHeavy"
dashLineLong = "DashLineLong"
dashLineLongHeavy = "DashLineLongHeavy"
dotDashLine = "DotDashLine"

Trait de soulignement alterné point-tiret.

dotDashLineHeavy = "DotDashLineHeavy"
dotLine = "DotLine"

Avertissement : dotLine a été déprécié.

dotted = "Dotted"

Soulignement pointillé.

dottedHeavy = "DottedHeavy"
double = "Double"

Double soulignement.

hidden = "Hidden"

Avertissement : masqué a été déprécié.

mixed = "Mixed"
none = "None"

Aucun soulignement.

single = "Single"

Un trait de soulignement unique. Il s’agit de la valeur par défaut.

thick = "Thick"

Un trait de soulignement épais unique.

twoDotDashLine = "TwoDotDashLine"

Soulignement point-point-tiret alterné.

twoDotDashLineHeavy = "TwoDotDashLineHeavy"
wave = "Wave"

Un trait ondulé unique.

waveDouble = "WaveDouble"
waveHeavy = "WaveHeavy"
word = "Word"

Soulignez uniquement des mots individuels.