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Apply with LinkedIn FAQ

Product FAQ

What are the benefits of the new AWLI?

Increase applicant conversion rates from the customer website. Smashfly Platform Data, 2015 reads that 74% of candidates who apply, quit a job application because the process is too long. Apply with LinkedIn streamlines the application process by allowing candidates to use profile data to autofill their information.

What's happening to the existing, legacy AWLI?

The legacy AWLI integration of partners is now updated to the newer experience of AWLI V3. Existing customers will now see the new AWLI. There is no further action required from existing partners or customers, please check our version comparison guide for more details on AWLI V3. If you are a new customer, please follow the integration guide.

One (1) year unless the member actively signs out of LinkedIn or clears their cookies.

What browsers are supported for the new AWLI widget?

Per LinkedIn's policy on Web browsers, we support the current and previous (n-1) major releases of internet browsers. We do not support Firefox in private mode or any browser whose Enhanced Tracking Protection is enabled by default as this setting blocks third party URL access.

How does the AWLI widget comply with accessibility requirements?

The Apply with LinkedIn widget complies with accessibility requirements: 1) the wording of the widget is readable by screen-readers, 2) the widget can be "tabbed through", and 3) the widget has compliant color / contrast levels.

How are different languages handled by the widget?

We only support the English locale, no other languages are currently supported.

What is the difference between AWLI V2 and AWLI V3?

AWLI is switching from cookie-based authentication and a legacy tech stack to OAuth-based new tech stack. Refer this page that describes new features introduced in AWLI V3 and provides a comparison between AWLI V2 and V3 versions.

Why is the customer application logo important for AWLI V3?

AWLI V3 uses OAuth-based authentication which renders consent screen to LinkedIn members. We recommend adding a company logo to your developer application using

Technical FAQ

The Customer Configuration and/or the AWLI widget has an error in the console that says ""?

This means that the domain on which the widget has been hosted is not included in the ValidJSSdkDomains field. Please make sure that the domain is allowlisted.

The Customer Configuration and/or the AWLI widget has an error in the console that says "error.ats.integration.not.valid"?

If you are an ATS: This error points to an error in the integration context. Either the integration context is missing/incorrect or you have not made a call to update ATS integrations after you have received the integration context. Please refer to Module 2 Step 2 in the documentation . If you are not an ATS: Please ask for assistance from your LinkedIn point of contact.

Why do I receive a 400 bad request error response on the conversion tracking page?

The conversion tracking event is only successful if the job code you added to the widget was associated with a paid job on LinkedIn. If the job is not associated with a paid job its ok to receive a " 400 bad request" response.

Why do I receive a 403 Forbidden error response on the Update/Verify Customer Integrations call? [ATS Partners only]?

This is most likely because you are attempting to make this call using the Parent Application which does not have access to this endpoint. Make sure to use the specific Child Application's credentials (Key/Secret to generate OAuth token) to update and verify the integrations.

Please file a ticket via and attach the correct logo. Our teams will then process the update and confirm once it is completed.

When I click AWLI Button, I see a Bummer screen?

It’s possible your app is either disabled or its missing required settings/permissions needed in order for Oauth flow to work, please file a ticket via Zendesk and we will help you to resolve this.

If a user has applied to a different job and given the consent to share profile data via OAuth Consent screen, they will not see the consent screen again for the next 30 minutes.

Is Standard flow and account creation flow still supported?

Multiple page flows like the Standard Flow and Create Account flow can still be supported but will require persisting profile data in the first page. Refer here for more information

How to add a domain to Valid SDK Domain (Allowlist domain)?

AWLI widget is visible only on the validJsSdkDomains which are specified for the particular customer application client_id. You can check or update existing allowlist domains using Provisioning API. You can make a GET call to the API to check existing allowlisted domains.

Which data mode's are supported with AWLI V3

Following two modes are supported with the AWLI V3. 1) BUTTON_DATA Mode- Creates the Apply With LinkedIn button on the page and starts the click tracking within LinkedIn. Once applicant clicks this button and consents to sharing profile data, data is shared with partner using the callback method. 2) CONVERSION Mode- No visible items are created on the page. A conversion tracking event is sent back to LinkedIn to track the application status of the member. Note that the user must click the Apply With LinkedIn button on the previous page to track this conversion.

To debug any customer or partner issues using Zendesk support ( we request you to provide following details: 1) Career site URL for customer. 2) HAR file with preserved logs. 3) Customer application client_id. 4) Customer contract ID. 5) Customer company ID. 6) Video/Screenshot of the inspector with error message.