Hardware and System requirements for Audit and Control Management Server


S’applique à : Audit and Control Management Server

Dernière rubrique modifiée : 2014-09-26

Summary: Lists the minimum hardware and software requirements to install and run Audit and Control Management Server 2013 and Discovery and Risk Assessment Server 2013.

Minimum Requirements

The following are the recommended minimum requirements for Serveur Microsoft de gestion du contrôle et des vérifications 2013 and Serveur Microsoft de détection et analyse de risque 2013. Audit and Control Management Server applications should be deployed on an English operating system with US English regional settings. English language versions of Microsoft Accès and Microsoft Excel should also be installed.

Component Requirement

Computer & Processor

64-bit 4 Core, 2.0 GHz

Memory (RAM)

8 gigabytes (GB) RAM

Hard Disk

80 gigabytes (GB) free space (space requirement may vary depending on whether the server is used for application storage needs)

Operating System

ACM and Discovery & Risk Assessment 2013 supports the following Windows operating systems:

  • Windows Server 2012 (64 bit)

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit)

Database Server

The database server must be running either Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2