SPMobileComponent.GetEllipsisString, méthode (Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileControls)

Gets a possibly truncated version of the specified String that is no longer than TextLengthLimit (the mobile rendering limit) and that has an ellipsis appended to the end if any characters have been trimmed from it.

Espace de noms : Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileControls
Assembly : Microsoft.SharePoint (dans microsoft.sharepoint.dll)


Protected Overridable Function GetEllipsisString ( _
    source As String _
) As String
Dim source As String
Dim returnValue As String

returnValue = Me.GetEllipsisString(source)
protected virtual string GetEllipsisString (
    string source


  • source
    The original, untruncated, String.

Valeur retournée

A String that may be truncated and, if truncated, includes an appended ellipsis.


If source does not exceed TextLengthLimit, it returns unchanged.

Voir aussi


SPMobileComponent, classe
Membres SPMobileComponent
Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileControls, espace de noms