SPMobileNavigation.AddAccessKey, méthode (Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileControls)

Registers the value of the AccessKey property as the access key for the specified control.

Espace de noms : Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileControls
Assembly : Microsoft.SharePoint (dans microsoft.sharepoint.dll)


Protected Overridable Function AddAccessKey ( _
    navigation As MobileControl _
) As MobileControl
Dim navigation As MobileControl
Dim returnValue As MobileControl

returnValue = Me.AddAccessKey(navigation)
protected virtual MobileControl AddAccessKey (
    MobileControl navigation


Valeur retournée

A MobileControl object that is identical to the navigation parameter except that it now has a custom attribute identifying the AccessKey property as its access key.


Typically, the SPMobileNavigation object passes a child control to the AddAccessKey method as part of the CreateChildControls method.

Voir aussi


SPMobileNavigation, classe
Membres SPMobileNavigation
Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileControls, espace de noms