SPList.GetDistinctFieldValues - Méthode

Remarque : cette API est désormais obsolète.

Returns a two-dimensional object that represents an array of field values in which data duplication within a specified field in the list is eliminated and each value returned is unique.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.SharePoint
Assembly :  Microsoft.SharePoint (dans Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)


<ObsoleteAttribute("Use SPList.GetItems(SPQuery) instead.")> _
Public Function GetDistinctFieldValues ( _
    field As SPField, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef columnItems As Object(,) _
) As UInteger
Dim instance As SPList
Dim field As SPField
Dim columnItems As Object(,)
Dim returnValue As UInteger

returnValue = instance.GetDistinctFieldValues(field, _
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use SPList.GetItems(SPQuery) instead.")]
public uint GetDistinctFieldValues(
    SPField field,
    out Object[,] columnItems


  • columnItems
    Type : [,]

    A two-dimensional object array that is passed as an out parameter and that returns the values.

Valeur renvoyée

Type : System.UInt32
Returns an UInt32 An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of field values represented in the array.


Exception Condition

Field is null.


Cannot get distinct values.

Type is not Text, Number, Currency, DateTime, or Boolean.

Voir aussi


SPList classe

SPList - Membres

Microsoft.SharePoint - Espace de noms
