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Gets the breakpoint location type of this breakpoint request.


HRESULT GetLocationType(
    BP_LOCATION_TYPE* pBPLocationType
int GetLocationType(
    out enum_BP_LOCATION_TYPE pBPLocationType


[out] Returns a value from the BP_LOCATION_TYPE enumeration that describes the location of this breakpoint request.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code. Returns E_FAIL if the bpLocation field in the associated BP_REQUEST_INFO structure is not valid.


The following example shows how to implement this method for a simple CDebugBreakpointRequest object that exposes theIDebugBreakpointRequest2 interface.

HRESULT CDebugBreakpointRequest::GetLocationType(BP_LOCATION_TYPE* pBPLocationType)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (pBPLocationType)
        // Set default BP_LOCATION_TYPE.
        *pBPLocationType = BPLT_NONE;

        // Check if the BPREQI_BPLOCATION flag is set in BPREQI_FIELDS.
        if (IsFlagSet(m_bpRequestInfo.dwFields, BPREQI_BPLOCATION))
            // Get the new BP_LOCATION_TYPE.
            *pBPLocationType = m_bpRequestInfo.bpLocation.bpLocationType;
            hr = S_OK;
            hr = E_FAIL;
        hr = E_INVALIDARG;

    return hr;

See also