Visual Studio unrecoverable process error

Applies to: yesVisual Studio noVisual Studio for Mac


This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

If the ServiceHub.RoslynCodeAnalysisService.exe or ServiceHub.RoslynCodeAnalysisService32.exe process ends for some reason, a pop-up information bar appears with the following message:

"Unfortunately, a process used by Visual Studio has encountered an unrecoverable error. We recommend saving your work, and then closing and restarting Visual Studio."

If you see this message, you should save your work and then close and restart Visual Studio.

List of processes

Following is a list of out-of-proc processes used by Visual Studio. This list is inclusive of processes that launch in specific workflows or scenarios, and so in most cases they aren't all running at the same time.

  • Microsoft.Alm.Shared.Remoting.RemoteContainer.dll
  • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LiveUnitTesting.EntryPoint
  • MSBuild.exe
  • PerfWatson2.exe
  • ScriptedSandbox64.exe
  • ServiceHub.Host.CLR.x86.exe
  • ServiceHub.Host.Node.x86.exe
  • ServiceHub.IdentityHost.exe
  • ServiceHub.RoslynCodeAnalysisService.exe
  • ServiceHub.RoslynCodeAnalysisService32.exe
  • ServiceHub.SettingsHost.exe
  • ServiceHub.VSDetouredHost.exe
  • VBCSCompiler.exe
  • VsHub.exe
  • vstest.discoveryengine.x86.exe
  • WaAppAgent.exe
  • WindowsAzureGuestAgent.exe
  • WindowsAzureTelemetryService.exe

If any of these processes terminates unexpectedly, some functionality within Visual Studio stops working. For some processes, the loss of functionality may be insignificant. For others, the stability of Visual Studio is affected and an error message is displayed.


If you experience a problem that's not referenced on this page, please report it to us via the Report a Problem tool that appears both in the Visual Studio Installer and in the Visual Studio IDE.