sharedPCAccountManagerPolicy resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

SharedPC Account Manager Policy. Only applies when the account manager is enabled.


Property Type Description
accountDeletionPolicy sharedPCAccountDeletionPolicyType Configures when accounts are deleted. Possible values are: immediate, diskSpaceThreshold, diskSpaceThresholdOrInactiveThreshold.
cacheAccountsAboveDiskFreePercentage Int32 Sets the percentage of available disk space a PC should have before it stops deleting cached shared PC accounts. Only applies when AccountDeletionPolicy is DiskSpaceThreshold or DiskSpaceThresholdOrInactiveThreshold. Valid values 0 to 100
inactiveThresholdDays Int32 Specifies when the accounts will start being deleted when they have not been logged on during the specified period, given as number of days. Only applies when AccountDeletionPolicy is DiskSpaceThreshold or DiskSpaceThresholdOrInactiveThreshold.
removeAccountsBelowDiskFreePercentage Int32 Sets the percentage of disk space remaining on a PC before cached accounts will be deleted to free disk space. Accounts that have been inactive the longest will be deleted first. Only applies when AccountDeletionPolicy is DiskSpaceThresholdOrInactiveThreshold. Valid values 0 to 100



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.sharedPCAccountManagerPolicy",
  "accountDeletionPolicy": "String",
  "cacheAccountsAboveDiskFreePercentage": 1024,
  "inactiveThresholdDays": 1024,
  "removeAccountsBelowDiskFreePercentage": 1024