userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

The user experience analytics anomaly correlation group overview entity contains the information for each correlation group of an anomaly.


Method Return Type Description
List userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverviews userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview collection List properties and relationships of the userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview objects.
Get userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview Read properties and relationships of the userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview object.
Create userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview Create a new userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview object.
Delete userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview None Deletes a userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview.
Update userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview Update the properties of a userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview object.


Property Type Description
id String The unique identifier for the user experience analytics anomaly correlation group overview object.
anomalyId String The unique identifier of the anomaly. Anomaly details such as name and type can be found in the UserExperienceAnalyticsAnomalySeverityOverview entity.
correlationGroupId String The unique identifier for the correlation group which will uniquely identify one of the correlation group within an anomaly. The correlation Id can be mapped to the correlation group name by concatinating the correlation group features. Example of correlation group name which is the indicative of concatenated features names are for names, Contoso manufacture 4.4.1 and Windows 11.22621.1485.
correlationGroupFeatures userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupFeature collection Describes the features of a device that are shared between all devices in a correlation group.
correlationGroupPrevalence userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupPrevalence The prevalence of the correlation group. Possible values are: high, medium or low. Possible values are: high, medium, low, unknownFutureValue.
correlationGroupPrevalencePercentage Double The percentage of the devices in the correlation group that are anomalous. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308
totalDeviceCount Int32 Indicates the total number of devices in the tenant. Valid values -2147483648 to 2147483647
anomalyCorrelationGroupCount Int32 Indicates the number of correlation groups in the anomaly. Valid values -2147483648 to 2147483647
correlationGroupDeviceCount Int32 Indicates the total number of devices in a correlation group. Valid values -2147483648 to 2147483647
correlationGroupAnomalousDeviceCount Int32 Indicates the total number of devices affected by the anomaly in the correlation group. Valid values -2147483648 to 2147483647
correlationGroupAtRiskDeviceCount Int32 Indicates the total number of devices at risk in the correlation group. Valid values -2147483648 to 2147483647



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupOverview",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "anomalyId": "String",
  "correlationGroupId": "String",
  "correlationGroupFeatures": [
      "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyCorrelationGroupFeature",
      "deviceFeatureType": "String",
      "values": [
  "correlationGroupPrevalence": "String",
  "correlationGroupPrevalencePercentage": "4.2",
  "totalDeviceCount": 1024,
  "anomalyCorrelationGroupCount": 1024,
  "correlationGroupDeviceCount": 1024,
  "correlationGroupAnomalousDeviceCount": 1024,
  "correlationGroupAtRiskDeviceCount": 1024