groupPolicySettingMapping resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

The Group Policy setting to MDM/Intune mapping.


Method Return Type Description
List groupPolicySettingMappings groupPolicySettingMapping collection List properties and relationships of the groupPolicySettingMapping objects.
Get groupPolicySettingMapping groupPolicySettingMapping Read properties and relationships of the groupPolicySettingMapping object.
Create groupPolicySettingMapping groupPolicySettingMapping Create a new groupPolicySettingMapping object.
Delete groupPolicySettingMapping None Deletes a groupPolicySettingMapping.
Update groupPolicySettingMapping groupPolicySettingMapping Update the properties of a groupPolicySettingMapping object.


Property Type Description
id String
parentId String Parent Id of the group policy setting.
childIdList String collection List of Child Ids of the group policy setting.
settingName String The name of this group policy setting.
settingValue String The value of this group policy setting.
settingValueType String The value type of this group policy setting.
settingDisplayName String The display name of this group policy setting.
settingDisplayValue String The display value of this group policy setting.
settingDisplayValueType String The display value type of this group policy setting.
settingValueDisplayUnits String The display units of this group policy setting value
settingCategory String The category the group policy setting is in.
mdmCspName String The CSP name this group policy setting maps to.
mdmSettingUri String The MDM CSP URI this group policy setting maps to.
mdmMinimumOSVersion Int32 The minimum OS version this mdm setting supports.
settingType groupPolicySettingType The setting type (security or admx) of the Group Policy. Possible values are: unknown, policy, account, securityOptions, userRightsAssignment, auditSetting, windowsFirewallSettings, appLockerRuleCollection, dataSourcesSettings, devicesSettings, driveMapSettings, environmentVariables, filesSettings, folderOptions, folders, iniFiles, internetOptions, localUsersAndGroups, networkOptions, networkShares, ntServices, powerOptions, printers, regionalOptionsSettings, registrySettings, scheduledTasks, shortcutSettings, startMenuSettings.
isMdmSupported Boolean Indicates if the setting is supported by Intune or not
mdmSupportedState mdmSupportedState Indicates if the setting is supported in Mdm or not. Possible values are: unknown, supported, unsupported, deprecated.
settingScope groupPolicySettingScope The scope of the setting. Possible values are: unknown, device, user.
intuneSettingUriList String collection The list of Intune Setting URIs this group policy setting maps to
intuneSettingDefinitionId String The Intune Setting Definition Id
admxSettingDefinitionId String Admx Group Policy Id



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.groupPolicySettingMapping",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "parentId": "String",
  "childIdList": [
  "settingName": "String",
  "settingValue": "String",
  "settingValueType": "String",
  "settingDisplayName": "String",
  "settingDisplayValue": "String",
  "settingDisplayValueType": "String",
  "settingValueDisplayUnits": "String",
  "settingCategory": "String",
  "mdmCspName": "String",
  "mdmSettingUri": "String",
  "mdmMinimumOSVersion": 1024,
  "settingType": "String",
  "isMdmSupported": true,
  "mdmSupportedState": "String",
  "settingScope": "String",
  "intuneSettingUriList": [
  "intuneSettingDefinitionId": "String",
  "admxSettingDefinitionId": "String"