profileCardAnnotation resource type

Allows an administrator to customize the appearance of selected fields in a Microsoft 365 profile card. The administrator can define a default display name String and a set of alternative translations for the languages supported in their organization.


Property Type Description
displayName String If present, the value of this field is used by the profile card as the default property label in the experience (for example, "Cost Center").
localizations displayNameLocalization collection Each resource in this collection represents the localized value of the attribute name for a given language, used as the default label for that locale. For example, a user with a nb-NO client gets "Kostnadssenter" as the attribute label, rather than "Cost Center."

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "displayName": "String",
  "localizations": [{ "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.displayNameLocalization" }]