workbookNamedItem resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents a defined name for a range of cells or value. Names can be primitive named objects (as seen in the type below), range object, reference to a range. This object can be used to obtain range object associated with names.


Method Return Type Description
Add workbookNamedItem Adds a new name to the collection of the given scope.
AddFormulaLocal workbookNamedItem Adds a new name to the collection of the given scope using the user's locale for the formula.
Get NamedItem workbookNamedItem Read properties and relationships of namedItem object.
Update workbookNamedItem Update NamedItem object.
Range Range Returns the range object that is associated with the name. Throws an exception if the named item's type isn't a range.
List workbookNamedItem collection Get namedItem object collection.


Property Type Description
comment string Represents the comment associated with this name.
name string The name of the object. Read-only.
scope string Indicates whether the name is scoped to the workbook or to a specific worksheet. Read-only.
type string Indicates what type of reference is associated with the name. The possible values are: String, Integer, Double, Boolean, Range. Read-only.
value Json Represents the formula that the name is defined to refer to. for example, =Sheet14!$B$2:$H$12, =4.75, etc. Read-only.
visible boolean Specifies whether the object is visible or not.


Relationship Type Description
worksheet workbookWorksheet Returns the worksheet on which the named item is scoped to. Available only if the item is scoped to the worksheet. Read-only.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "name": "string",
  "comment": "string",
  "scope": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "value": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.Json"},
  "visible": true
