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Introduction to UI/UX design for Dynamics 365 customer engagement apps

In the dynamic realm of digital design, creating seamless and user-centric experiences is a critical factor in the success of business applications. The principles described in this section apply to model-driven apps and canvas apps that are based on Power Apps.

In this article, we highlight the importance of good user experiences (UX) and user interface (UI) designs in business applications and the overall user satisfaction.

The key benefits of good UX/UI design include but aren't limited to the following aspects:

  • Efficient operations: A well-designed system streamlines operations by providing users with intuitive access to critical data and functionalities based on their role. This efficiency translates into time savings, reduced errors, and improved productivity.

  • Enhanced customer interactions: Applications often serve as the frontline interface for customer interactions. An intuitive and user-friendly interface ensures that customer-facing teams can access and utilize customer data effectively, resulting in better-informed interactions and improved customer satisfaction.

  • Data-driven decision making: Informed decision making relies on access to accurate and relevant data. A well-designed interface makes it easy for users to access and interpret data, facilitating data-driven insights and strategies.

  • User satisfaction: A positive user experience leads to higher user satisfaction. When employees find the system easy to use and efficient, they're more likely to embrace it, leading to higher adoption rates and better utilization.

About this article

This article serves as a guide aimed at enhancing user experiences in business apps, while focusing on model-driven and canvas apps. It distills essential principles and guidelines for effective UX/UI design and implementation. We hope it becomes an invaluable resource for designers, developers, and stakeholders involved with customer-facing services and support.

When they adhere to the insights and recommendations outlined in this document, individuals and teams can create interfaces that not only streamline business processes but also prioritize user-centric design, ultimately leading to improved user experiences and better outcomes for the business. Whether you're configuring the platform, designing custom solutions, or implementing enhancements, these principles help make sure you deliver a user-friendly and efficient system that benefits business users.


The Power Platform is a versatile platform that caters to both seasoned developers and everyday users. In conventional development settings, only professional developers would typically engage in the actual creation of an app. However, Power Apps empowers all users to construct the apps they require, allowing makers to develop comprehensive, tailor-made business apps with less intensive coding experience.

This article is intended for functional designers, makers, and individuals responsible for designing, building, maintaining, and optimizing Power Apps. All technical project members are also encouraged to read this article. It also caters to those who want to establish a strong foundation in design principles and best practices in the context of model-driven apps and canvas apps.

Key UI/UX design principles

The article Key UI/UX design principles explains the significance of adhering to UX/UI design principles in Power Apps. The article covers the following principles in detail:

  1. Consistency

    Emphasize the importance of uniformity in design elements.

  2. Simplicity

    Discuss the value of keeping the interface clean and straightforward.

  3. User-centricity

    Highlight the need to prioritize user needs and preferences.

  4. Efficiency

    Explain how efficient design can improve productivity.

  5. Feedback and guidance

    Explain how providing feedback and guidance can enhance user experience.

  6. Scalability

    Discuss designing for future growth and changes.

  7. Accessibility

    Discuss designing for users with diverse needs.

UI/UX components details

The article UI/UX component details for model-driven apps provides an overview of the layout structure for model-driven apps. The article breaks down the layout into its various components, including the following list:

  1. Navigation bar

    Explain the purpose and design considerations for the navigation bar.

  2. Dashboards

    Describe how to design effective dashboards for users.

  3. Forms

    Detail the design of forms for data entry and viewing.

  4. Views and grids

    Discuss the design of views and grids for efficient data management.

  5. Ribbon and command bar

    Explain how to customize the ribbon and command bar.

  6. Charts and visualizations

    Explain the creation of compelling charts and visual representations.

  7. Business process flows

    Detail the design of process flows for guided workflows.

This section also covers an overview of the layout structure for canvas apps and its component details.

Testing and user feedback

The article UI/UX component details for tests and user feedback provides an overview of how to conduct usability tests and gather valuable feedback from users. This section explains the iterative design process that ensures continuous improvement based on user insights.

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