DnsZones Interface


public interface DnsZones
extends SupportsCreating<Blank>, SupportsListing<DnsZone>, SupportsListingByResourceGroup<DnsZone>, SupportsGettingByResourceGroup<DnsZone>, SupportsGettingById<DnsZone>, SupportsDeletingById, SupportsDeletingByResourceGroup, SupportsBatchCreation<DnsZone>, SupportsBatchDeletion, HasManager<com.microsoft.azure.management.dns.implementation.DnsZoneManager>, HasInner<com.microsoft.azure.management.dns.implementation.ZonesInner>

Entry point to DNS zone management API in Azure.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract void deleteById(String id, String eTagValue)

Deletes a resource from Azure, identifying it by its resource ID.

abstract rx.Completable deleteByIdAsync(String id, String eTagValue)

Asynchronously delete the zone from Azure, identifying it by its resource ID.

abstract void deleteByResourceGroupName(String resourceGroupName, String zoneName, String eTagValue)

Deletes the zone from Azure, identifying it by its name and its resource group.

abstract rx.Completable deleteByResourceGroupNameAsync(String resourceGroupName, String zoneName, String eTagValue)

Asynchronously deletes the zone from Azure, identifying it by its name and its resource group.

Method Details


public abstract void deleteById(String id, String eTagValue)

Deletes a resource from Azure, identifying it by its resource ID.


id - the resource ID of the resource to delete
eTagValue - the ETag value to set on IfMatch header for concurrency protection


public abstract Completable deleteByIdAsync(String id, String eTagValue)

Asynchronously delete the zone from Azure, identifying it by its resource ID.


id - the resource ID of the resource to delete
eTagValue - the ETag value to set on IfMatch header for concurrency protection


a representation of the deferred computation this delete call


public abstract void deleteByResourceGroupName(String resourceGroupName, String zoneName, String eTagValue)

Deletes the zone from Azure, identifying it by its name and its resource group.


resourceGroupName - the resource group the resource is part of
zoneName - the name of the zone
eTagValue - the ETag value to set on IfMatch header for concurrency protection


public abstract Completable deleteByResourceGroupNameAsync(String resourceGroupName, String zoneName, String eTagValue)

Asynchronously deletes the zone from Azure, identifying it by its name and its resource group.


resourceGroupName - the resource group the resource is part of
zoneName - the name of the zone
eTagValue - the ETag value to set on IfMatch header for concurrency protection


a representation of the deferred computation this delete call

Applies to