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GregorianCalendar.GetDayOfYear(DateTime) Metode


Mengembalikan hari dalam setahun dalam yang ditentukan DateTime.

 override int GetDayOfYear(DateTime time);
public override int GetDayOfYear (DateTime time);
override this.GetDayOfYear : DateTime -> int
Public Overrides Function GetDayOfYear (time As DateTime) As Integer



yang DateTime akan dibaca.


Bilangan bulat dari 1 hingga 366 yang mewakili hari dalam setahun di time.


Contoh kode berikut menampilkan nilai beberapa komponen dari dalam DateTime hal kalender Gregorian.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void DisplayValues( Calendar^ myCal, DateTime myDT )
   Console::WriteLine( "   Era:        {0}", myCal->GetEra( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   Year:       {0}", myCal->GetYear( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   Month:      {0}", myCal->GetMonth( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   DayOfYear:  {0}", myCal->GetDayOfYear( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   DayOfMonth: {0}", myCal->GetDayOfMonth( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   DayOfWeek:  {0}", myCal->GetDayOfWeek( myDT ) );

int main()
   // Sets a DateTime to April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar.
   DateTime myDT = DateTime(2002,4,3,gcnew GregorianCalendar);
   // Creates an instance of the GregorianCalendar.
   GregorianCalendar^ myCal = gcnew GregorianCalendar;
   // Displays the values of the DateTime.
   Console::WriteLine( "April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar:" );
   DisplayValues( myCal, myDT );
   // Adds two years and ten months.
   myDT = myCal->AddYears( myDT, 2 );
   myDT = myCal->AddMonths( myDT, 10 );
   // Displays the values of the DateTime.
   Console::WriteLine( "After adding two years and ten months:" );
   DisplayValues( myCal, myDT );

This code produces the following output.

April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar:
   Era:        1
   Year:       2002
   Month:      4
   DayOfYear:  93
   DayOfMonth: 3
   DayOfWeek:  Wednesday

After adding two years and ten months:
   Era:        1
   Year:       2005
   Month:      2
   DayOfYear:  34
   DayOfMonth: 3
   DayOfWeek:  Thursday

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesGregorianCalendar  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Sets a DateTime to April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar.
      DateTime myDT = new DateTime( 2002, 4, 3, new GregorianCalendar() );

      // Creates an instance of the GregorianCalendar.
      GregorianCalendar myCal = new GregorianCalendar();

      // Displays the values of the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine( "April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar:" );
      DisplayValues( myCal, myDT );

      // Adds two years and ten months.
      myDT = myCal.AddYears( myDT, 2 );
      myDT = myCal.AddMonths( myDT, 10 );

      // Displays the values of the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine( "After adding two years and ten months:" );
      DisplayValues( myCal, myDT );

   public static void DisplayValues( Calendar myCal, DateTime myDT )  {
      Console.WriteLine( "   Era:        {0}", myCal.GetEra( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   Year:       {0}", myCal.GetYear( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   Month:      {0}", myCal.GetMonth( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   DayOfYear:  {0}", myCal.GetDayOfYear( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   DayOfMonth: {0}", myCal.GetDayOfMonth( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   DayOfWeek:  {0}", myCal.GetDayOfWeek( myDT ) );

This code produces the following output.

April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar:
   Era:        1
   Year:       2002
   Month:      4
   DayOfYear:  93
   DayOfMonth: 3
   DayOfWeek:  Wednesday

After adding two years and ten months:
   Era:        1
   Year:       2005
   Month:      2
   DayOfYear:  34
   DayOfMonth: 3
   DayOfWeek:  Thursday

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesGregorianCalendar   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Sets a DateTime to April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar.
      Dim myDT As New DateTime(2002, 4, 3, New GregorianCalendar())

      ' Creates an instance of the GregorianCalendar.
      Dim myCal As New GregorianCalendar()

      ' Displays the values of the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine("April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar:")
      DisplayValues(myCal, myDT)

      ' Adds two years and ten months.
      myDT = myCal.AddYears(myDT, 2)
      myDT = myCal.AddMonths(myDT, 10)

      ' Displays the values of the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine("After adding two years and ten months:")
      DisplayValues(myCal, myDT)

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub DisplayValues(myCal As Calendar, myDT As DateTime)
      Console.WriteLine("   Era:        {0}", myCal.GetEra(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   Year:       {0}", myCal.GetYear(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   Month:      {0}", myCal.GetMonth(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfYear:  {0}", myCal.GetDayOfYear(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfMonth: {0}", myCal.GetDayOfMonth(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfWeek:  {0}", myCal.GetDayOfWeek(myDT))
   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar:
'   Era:        1
'   Year:       2002
'   Month:      4
'   DayOfYear:  93
'   DayOfMonth: 3
'   DayOfWeek:  Wednesday
'After adding two years and ten months:
'   Era:        1
'   Year:       2005
'   Month:      2
'   DayOfYear:  34
'   DayOfMonth: 3
'   DayOfWeek:  Thursday


Hari dalam setahun didefinisikan sebagai jumlah hari dari hari pertama dalam setahun. Misalnya, GetDayOfYear untuk hari pertama bulan pertama mengembalikan 1, dan GetDayOfYear untuk hari terakhir bulan lalu mengembalikan jumlah total hari dalam tahun tersebut, yang merupakan nilai yang sama yang dikembalikan oleh GetDaysInYear.

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