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IAuthorizationPolicy Antarmuka


Menentukan sekumpulan aturan untuk mengotorisasi pengguna, dengan serangkaian klaim.

public interface class IAuthorizationPolicy
public interface class IAuthorizationPolicy : System::IdentityModel::Policy::IAuthorizationComponent
public interface IAuthorizationPolicy
public interface IAuthorizationPolicy : System.IdentityModel.Policy.IAuthorizationComponent
type IAuthorizationPolicy = interface
type IAuthorizationPolicy = interface
    interface IAuthorizationComponent
Public Interface IAuthorizationPolicy
Public Interface IAuthorizationPolicy
Implements IAuthorizationComponent


public class MyAuthorizationPolicy : IAuthorizationPolicy
    string id;

    public MyAuthorizationPolicy()
        id =  Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

    public bool Evaluate(EvaluationContext evaluationContext, ref object state)
        bool bRet = false;
        CustomAuthState customstate = null;

        // If state is null, then this method has not been called before, so
        // set up a custom state.
        if (state == null)
            customstate = new CustomAuthState();
            state = customstate;
            customstate = (CustomAuthState)state;

        Console.WriteLine("Inside MyAuthorizationPolicy::Evaluate");

        // If claims have not been added yet...
        if (!customstate.ClaimsAdded)
            // Create an empty list of Claims.
            IList<Claim> claims = new List<Claim>();

            // Iterate through each of the claim sets in the evaluation context.
            foreach (ClaimSet cs in evaluationContext.ClaimSets)
                // Look for Name claims in the current claim set.
                foreach (Claim c in cs.FindClaims(ClaimTypes.Name, Rights.PossessProperty))
                    // Get the list of operations the given username is allowed to call.
                    foreach (string s in GetAllowedOpList(c.Resource.ToString()))
                        // Add claims to the list.
                        claims.Add(new Claim("", s, Rights.PossessProperty));
                        Console.WriteLine("Claim added {0}", s);

            // Add claims to the evaluation context.
            evaluationContext.AddClaimSet(this, new DefaultClaimSet(this.Issuer,claims));

            // Record that claims have been added.
            customstate.ClaimsAdded = true;

            // Return true, which indicates this need not be called again.
            bRet = true;
            // This point should not be reached, but just in case...
            bRet = true;

        return bRet;
    public ClaimSet Issuer
        get { return ClaimSet.System; }

    public string Id
        get { return id; }

    // This method returns a collection of action strings that indicate the
    // operations that the specified username is allowed to call.
    private IEnumerable<string> GetAllowedOpList(string username)
        IList<string> ret = new List<string>();

        if (username == "test1")
            ret.Add ( "http://Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples/ICalculator/Add");
            ret.Add ("http://Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples/ICalculator/Multiply");
        else if (username == "test2")
            ret.Add ( "http://Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples/ICalculator/Add");
            ret.Add ("http://Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples/ICalculator/Subtract");
        return ret;

    // internal class for state
    class CustomAuthState
        bool bClaimsAdded;

        public CustomAuthState()
            bClaimsAdded = false;

        public bool ClaimsAdded { get { return bClaimsAdded; }
                                  set {  bClaimsAdded = value; } }
Public Class MyAuthorizationPolicy
    Implements IAuthorizationPolicy
    Private value_id As String

    Public Sub New()
        value_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

    End Sub 

    Public Function Evaluate(ByVal evaluationContext As EvaluationContext, _
         ByRef state As Object) As Boolean Implements IAuthorizationPolicy.Evaluate

        Dim bRet As Boolean = False
        Dim customstate As CustomAuthState = Nothing

        ' If state is null, then this method has not been called before, so 
        ' set up a custom state.
        If state Is Nothing Then
            customstate = New CustomAuthState()
            state = customstate
            customstate = CType(state, CustomAuthState)
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("Inside MyAuthorizationPolicy::Evaluate")

        ' If the claims have not been added yet...
        If Not customstate.ClaimsAdded Then
            ' Create an empty list of Claims
            Dim claims As New List(Of Claim)

            ' Iterate through each of the claimsets in the evaluation context.
            Dim cs As ClaimSet
            For Each cs In evaluationContext.ClaimSets
                ' Look for Name claims in the current claim set.
                Dim c As Claim
                For Each c In cs.FindClaims(ClaimTypes.Name, Rights.PossessProperty)
                    ' Get the list of operations the given username is allowed to call.
                    Dim s As String
                    For Each s In GetAllowedOpList(c.Resource.ToString())

                        ' Add claims to the list
                        claims.Add(New Claim("", _
                                    s, Rights.PossessProperty))
                        Console.WriteLine("Claim added {0}", s)
                    Next s
                Next c
            Next cs 
            ' Add claims to the evaluation context.
            evaluationContext.AddClaimSet(Me, New DefaultClaimSet(Me.Issuer, claims))

            ' Record that claims have been added.
            customstate.ClaimsAdded = True

            ' Return true, which indicates the method need not to be called again.
            bRet = True
            ' Should never get here, but just in case...
            bRet = True
        End If

        Return bRet

    End Function 'Evaluate

    Public ReadOnly Property Issuer() As ClaimSet Implements IAuthorizationPolicy.Issuer

            Return ClaimSet.System
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Id() As String Implements IAuthorizationPolicy.Id

            Return value_id
        End Get
    End Property
    ' This method returns a collection of action strings that indicate the 
    ' operations that the specified username is allowed to call.
    Private Shared Function GetAllowedOpList(ByVal username As String) As IEnumerable(Of String)

        Dim ret As New List(Of String)

        If username = "test1" Then
        ElseIf username = "test2" Then
        End If
        Return ret

    End Function 

    ' This is an internal class for state.
    Class CustomAuthState
        Private bClaimsAdded As Boolean

        Public Sub New()

        End Sub 

        Public Property ClaimsAdded() As Boolean
                Return bClaimsAdded
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
                bClaimsAdded = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class 
End Class


Terapkan IAuthorizationPolicy antarmuka untuk menambahkan atau memetakan satu set klaim ke yang lain. Kebijakan otorisasi memeriksa serangkaian klaim dan menambahkan klaim tambahan berdasarkan set saat ini. Misalnya, kebijakan otorisasi dapat mengevaluasi klaim yang berisi tanggal lahir dan menambahkan klaim yang menegaskan bahwa pengguna berusia di atas 21 tahun dan menambahkan klaim Over21 ke EvaluationContext.

Kelas yang mengimplementasikan IAuthorizationPolicy antarmuka tidak mengotorisasi pengguna, tetapi mereka memungkinkan ServiceAuthorizationManager kelas untuk melakukannya. memanggil ServiceAuthorizationManagerEvaluate metode untuk setiap kebijakan otorisasi yang berlaku. Metode menentukan Evaluate apakah klaim tambahan harus ditambahkan untuk pengguna, berdasarkan konteks saat ini. Metode kebijakan Evaluate otorisasi dapat dipanggil beberapa kali, karena klaim ditambahkan ke EvaluationContext oleh kebijakan otorisasi lainnya. Ketika semua kebijakan otorisasi yang berlaku dilakukan, ServiceAuthorizationManager kelas membuat keputusan otorisasi berdasarkan serangkaian klaim akhir. Kelas ServiceAuthorizationManager kemudian membuat AuthorizationContext yang berisi serangkaian klaim yang tidak dapat diubah yang mencerminkan keputusan otorisasi ini.



Mendapatkan string yang mengidentifikasi komponen otorisasi ini.

(Diperoleh dari IAuthorizationComponent)

Mendapatkan kumpulan klaim yang mewakili penerbit kebijakan otorisasi.


Evaluate(EvaluationContext, Object)

Mengevaluasi apakah pengguna memenuhi persyaratan untuk kebijakan otorisasi ini.

Berlaku untuk

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