IEvent.GetFieldValue Method

Explicit interface method definition for the Event class.

Spazio dei nomi: Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices
Assembly : Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices (in microsoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll)


Function GetFieldValue ( _
    fieldName As String _
) As Object
Object GetFieldValue (
    string fieldName
Object^ GetFieldValue (
    String^ fieldName
Object GetFieldValue (
    String fieldName
function GetFieldValue (
    fieldName : String
) : Object


  • fieldName
    The name of the event field.


Do not implement this method. This method is a member of an explicit interface definition for the Event class and is provided only for COM interop.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


Piattaforme di sviluppo

Per un elenco delle piattaforme supportate, vedere Requisiti hardware e software per l'Installazione di SQL Server 2005.

Piattaforme di destinazione

Per un elenco delle piattaforme supportate, vedere Requisiti hardware e software per l'Installazione di SQL Server 2005.

Vedere anche


IEvent Interface
IEvent Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices Namespace