
LogRecordSequence クラス


LogStore に格納されているレコード シーケンスを表します。

public ref class LogRecordSequence sealed : IDisposable, System::IO::Log::IRecordSequence
public sealed class LogRecordSequence : IDisposable, System.IO.Log.IRecordSequence
type LogRecordSequence = class
    interface IRecordSequence
    interface IDisposable
Public NotInheritable Class LogRecordSequence
Implements IDisposable, IRecordSequence

LogRecordSequence クラスを使用する方法を次の例に示します。

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO.Log;

namespace MyLogRecordSequence
    public class MyLog
        string logName = "test.log";
        string logContainer = "MyExtent0";
        int containerSize = 32 * 1024;
        LogRecordSequence sequence = null;
        bool delete = true;

        // These are used in the TailPinned event handler.
        public static LogRecordSequence MySequence = null;
        public static bool AdvanceBase = true;

        public MyLog()
            // Create a LogRecordSequence.
            sequence = new LogRecordSequence(this.logName,

            // At least one container/extent must be added for Log Record Sequence.
            sequence.LogStore.Extents.Add(this.logContainer, this.containerSize);

            MySequence = sequence;

        public void AddExtents()
            // Add two additional extents. The extents are
            // of the same size as the first extent.

        public void EnumerateExtents()
            LogStore store = sequence.LogStore;

            Console.WriteLine("Enumerating Log Extents...");
            Console.WriteLine("    Extent Count: {0} extents", store.Extents.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("    Extents Are...");
            foreach (LogExtent extent in store.Extents)
                Console.WriteLine("      {0} ({1}, {2})",
            Console.WriteLine("    Free Extents: {0} Free", store.Extents.FreeCount);

        public void SetLogPolicy()
            Console.WriteLine("Setting current log policy...");

            // SET LOG POLICY

            LogPolicy policy = sequence.LogStore.Policy;

            // Set AutoGrow policy. This enables the log to automatically grow
            // when the existing extents are full. New extents are added until
            // we reach the MaximumExtentCount extents.
            // AutoGrow policy is supported only in Windows Vista and not available in R2.

            //policy.AutoGrow = true;

            // Set the Growth Rate in terms of extents. This policy specifies
            // "how much" the log should grow.
            policy.GrowthRate = new PolicyUnit(2, PolicyUnitType.Extents);

            // Set the AutoShrink policy. This enables the log to automatically
            // shrink if the available free space exceeds the shrink percentage.
            // AutoGrow/shrink policy is supported only in Windows Vista and not available in R2.

            //policy.AutoShrinkPercentage = new PolicyUnit(30, PolicyUnitType.Percentage);

            // Set the PinnedTailThreshold policy.
            // A tail pinned event is triggered when there is no
            // log space available and log space may be freed by advancing the base.
            // The user must handle the tail pinned event by advancing the base of the log.
            // If the user is not able to move the base of the log, the user should report with exception in
            // the tail pinned handler.
            // PinnedTailThreashold policy dictates the amount of space that the TailPinned event requests
            // for advancing the base of the log. The amount of space can be in percentage or in terms of bytes
            // which is rounded off to the nearest containers in CLFS. The default is 35 percent.

            policy.PinnedTailThreshold = new PolicyUnit(10, PolicyUnitType.Percentage);

            // Set the maximum extents the log can have.
            policy.MaximumExtentCount = 6;

            // Set the minimum extents the log can have.
            policy.MinimumExtentCount = 2;

            // Set the prefix for new containers that are added.
            // when AutoGrow is enabled.
            //policy.NewExtentPrefix = "MyLogPrefix";

            // Set the suffix number for new containers that are added.
            // when AutoGrow is enabled.
            policy.NextExtentSuffix = 3;

            // Commit the log policy.

            // Refresh updates the IO.Log policy properties with current log policy
            // set in the log.

            // LOG POLICY END

            // Setting up IO.Log provided capabilities...

            // SET RETRY APPEND

            // IO.Log provides a mechanism similar to AutoGrow.
            // If the existing log is full and an append fails, setting RetryAppend
            // invokes the CLFS policy engine to add new extents and re-tries
            // record appends. If MaximumExtent count has been reached,
            // a SequenceFullException is thrown.

            sequence.RetryAppend = true;

            // RETRY APPEND END


            // Register for TailPinned Event by passing in an event handler.
            // An event is raised when the log full condition is reached.
            // The user should either advance the base sequence number to the
            // nearest valid sequence number recommended in the tail pinned event or
            // report a failure that it is not able to advance the base sequence
            // number.

            sequence.TailPinned += new EventHandler<TailPinnedEventArgs>(HandleTailPinned);


        public void ShowLogPolicy()
            Console.WriteLine("Showing current log policy...");

            LogPolicy policy = sequence.LogStore.Policy;

            Console.WriteLine("    Minimum extent count:  {0}", policy.MinimumExtentCount);
            Console.WriteLine("    Maximum extent count:  {0}", policy.MaximumExtentCount);
            Console.WriteLine("    Growth rate:           {0}", policy.GrowthRate);
            Console.WriteLine("    Pinned tail threshold: {0}", policy.PinnedTailThreshold);
            Console.WriteLine("    Auto shrink percent:   {0}", policy.AutoShrinkPercentage);
            Console.WriteLine("    Auto grow enabled:     {0}", policy.AutoGrow);
            Console.WriteLine("    New extent prefix:     {0}", policy.NewExtentPrefix);
            Console.WriteLine("    Next extent suffix:    {0}", policy.NextExtentSuffix);

        // Append records. Appending three records.
        public void AppendRecords()
            Console.WriteLine("Appending Log Records...");
            SequenceNumber previous = SequenceNumber.Invalid;

            previous = sequence.Append(CreateData("Hello World!"), SequenceNumber.Invalid, SequenceNumber.Invalid, RecordAppendOptions.ForceFlush);
            previous = sequence.Append(CreateData("This is my first Logging App"), SequenceNumber.Invalid, SequenceNumber.Invalid, RecordAppendOptions.ForceFlush);
            previous = sequence.Append(CreateData("Using LogRecordSequence..."), SequenceNumber.Invalid, SequenceNumber.Invalid, RecordAppendOptions.ForceFlush);

        // Read the records added to the log.
        public void ReadRecords()
            Encoding enc = Encoding.Unicode;


            Console.WriteLine("Reading Log Records...");
                foreach (LogRecord record in this.sequence.ReadLogRecords(this.sequence.BaseSequenceNumber, LogRecordEnumeratorType.Next))
                    byte[] data = new byte[record.Data.Length];
                    record.Data.Read(data, 0, (int)record.Data.Length);
                    string mystr = enc.GetString(data);
                    Console.WriteLine("    {0}", mystr);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception {0} {1}", e.GetType(), e.Message);


        public void FillLog()
            bool append = true;

            while (append)
                    sequence.Append(CreateData(16 * 1024), SequenceNumber.Invalid, SequenceNumber.Invalid, RecordAppendOptions.ForceFlush);

                catch (SequenceFullException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Log is Full...");
                    append = false;

        // Dispose the record sequence and delete the log file.
        public void Cleanup()
            // Dispose the sequence

            // Delete the log file.
            if (delete)
                    // This deletes the base log file and all the extents associated with the log.
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception {0} {1}", e.GetType(), e.Message);

        // Converts the given data to an Array of ArraySegment<byte>
        public static IList<ArraySegment<byte>> CreateData(string str)
            Encoding enc = Encoding.Unicode;

            byte[] array = enc.GetBytes(str);

            ArraySegment<byte>[] segments = new ArraySegment<byte>[1];
            segments[0] = new ArraySegment<byte>(array);

            return Array.AsReadOnly<ArraySegment<byte>>(segments);

        public static IList<ArraySegment<byte>> CreateData(int size)
            byte[] array = new byte[size];

            Random rnd = new Random();

            ArraySegment<byte>[] segments = new ArraySegment<byte>[1];
            segments[0] = new ArraySegment<byte>(array);

            return Array.AsReadOnly<ArraySegment<byte>>(segments);

        public static SequenceNumber GetAdvanceBaseSeqNumber(SequenceNumber recTargetSeqNum)
            SequenceNumber targetSequenceNumber = SequenceNumber.Invalid;

            Console.WriteLine("Getting actual target sequence number...");

            // Implement the logic for returning a valid sequence number closer to
            // recommended target sequence number.

            return targetSequenceNumber;

        public static void HandleTailPinned(object arg, TailPinnedEventArgs tailPinnedEventArgs)
            Console.WriteLine("TailPinned has fired");

            // Based on the implementation of a logging application, the log base can be moved
            // to free up more log space and if it is not possible to move the
            // base, the application should report by throwing an exception.

                    // TailPnnedEventArgs has the recommended sequence number and its generated
                    // based on PinnedTailThreshold policy.
                    // This does not map to an actual sequence number in the record sequence
                    // but an approximation and potentially frees up the threshold % log space
                    // when the log base is advanced to a valid sequence number closer to the
                    // recommended sequence number.
                    // The user should use this sequence number to locate a closest valid sequence
                    // number to advance the base of the log.

                    SequenceNumber recommendedTargetSeqNum = tailPinnedEventArgs.TargetSequenceNumber;

                    // Get the actual Target sequence number.
                    SequenceNumber actualTargetSeqNum = MyLog.GetAdvanceBaseSeqNumber(recommendedTargetSeqNum);

                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown {0} {1}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
                // Report back Error if under some conditions the log cannot
                // advance the base sequence number.

                Console.WriteLine("Reporting Error! Unable to move the base sequence number!");
                throw new IOException();

    class LogSample
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create log record sequence.
            MyLog log = new MyLog();

            // Add additional extents.

            // Enumerate the current log extents.

            // Set log policies and register for TailPinned event notifications.


            // Append a few records and read the appended records.

            // Fill the Log to trigger log growth...and subsequent TailPinned notifications.



Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO.Log

Namespace MyLogRecordSequence
    Public Class MyLog
        Private logName As String = "test.log"
        Private logContainer As String = "MyExtent0"
        Private containerSize As Integer = 32 * 1024
        Private sequence As LogRecordSequence = Nothing
        Private delete As Boolean = True

        ' These are used in the TailPinned event handler.
        Public Shared MySequence As LogRecordSequence = Nothing
        Public Shared AdvanceBase As Boolean = True

        Public Sub New()
            ' Create a LogRecordSequence.
            sequence = New LogRecordSequence(Me.logName, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None)

            ' At least one container/extent must be added for Log Record Sequence.
            sequence.LogStore.Extents.Add(Me.logContainer, Me.containerSize)

            MySequence = sequence

        End Sub

        Public Sub AddExtents()
            ' Add two additional extents. The extents are 
            ' of the same size as the first extent.
        End Sub

        Public Sub EnumerateExtents()
            Dim store As LogStore = sequence.LogStore

            Console.WriteLine("Enumerating Log Extents...")
            Console.WriteLine("    Extent Count: {0} extents", store.Extents.Count)
            Console.WriteLine("    Extents Are...")
            For Each extent In store.Extents
                Console.WriteLine("      {0} ({1}, {2})", Path.GetFileName(extent.Path), extent.Size, extent.State)
            Next extent
            Console.WriteLine("    Free Extents: {0} Free", store.Extents.FreeCount)
        End Sub

        Public Sub SetLogPolicy()
            Console.WriteLine("Setting current log policy...")

            ' SET LOG POLICY

            Dim policy As LogPolicy = sequence.LogStore.Policy

            ' Set AutoGrow policy. This enables the log to automatically grow
            ' when the existing extents are full. New extents are added until
            ' we reach the MaximumExtentCount extents.
            ' AutoGrow policy is supported only in Windows Vista and not available in R2.

            'policy.AutoGrow = true;

            ' Set the Growth Rate in terms of extents. This policy specifies
            ' "how much" the log should grow. 
            policy.GrowthRate = New PolicyUnit(2, PolicyUnitType.Extents)

            ' Set the AutoShrink policy. This enables the log to automatically
            ' shrink if the available free space exceeds the shrink percentage. 
            ' AutoGrow/shrink policy is supported only in Windows Vista and not available in R2.

            'policy.AutoShrinkPercentage = new PolicyUnit(30, PolicyUnitType.Percentage);

            ' Set the PinnedTailThreshold policy.
            ' A tail pinned event is triggered when there is no
            ' log space available and log space may be freed by advancing the base.
            ' The user must handle the tail pinned event by advancing the base of the log. 
            ' If the user is not able to move the base of the log, the user should report with exception in
            ' the tail pinned handler.
            ' PinnedTailThreashold policy dictates the amount of space that the TailPinned event requests 
            ' for advancing the base of the log. The amount of space can be in percentage or in terms of bytes 
            ' which is rounded off to the nearest containers in CLFS. The default is 35 percent.

            policy.PinnedTailThreshold = New PolicyUnit(10, PolicyUnitType.Percentage)

            ' Set the maximum extents the log can have.
            policy.MaximumExtentCount = 6

            ' Set the minimum extents the log can have.
            policy.MinimumExtentCount = 2

            ' Set the prefix for new containers that are added. 
            ' when AutoGrow is enabled.
            'policy.NewExtentPrefix = "MyLogPrefix";

            ' Set the suffix number for new containers that are added.
            ' when AutoGrow is enabled. 
            policy.NextExtentSuffix = 3

            ' Commit the log policy.

            ' Refresh updates the IO.Log policy properties with current log policy 
            ' set in the log. 

            ' LOG POLICY END

            ' Setting up IO.Log provided capabilities...

            ' SET RETRY APPEND

            ' IO.Log provides a mechanism similar to AutoGrow.
            ' If the existing log is full and an append fails, setting RetryAppend
            ' invokes the CLFS policy engine to add new extents and re-tries
            ' record appends. If MaximumExtent count has been reached, 
            ' a SequenceFullException is thrown. 

            sequence.RetryAppend = True

            ' RETRY APPEND END


            ' Register for TailPinned Event by passing in an event handler.
            ' An event is raised when the log full condition is reached.
            ' The user should either advance the base sequence number to the 
            ' nearest valid sequence number recommended in the tail pinned event or
            ' report a failure that it is not able to advance the base sequence 
            ' number. 

            AddHandler sequence.TailPinned, AddressOf HandleTailPinned

        End Sub

        Public Sub ShowLogPolicy()
            Console.WriteLine("Showing current log policy...")

            Dim policy As LogPolicy = sequence.LogStore.Policy

            Console.WriteLine("    Minimum extent count:  {0}", policy.MinimumExtentCount)
            Console.WriteLine("    Maximum extent count:  {0}", policy.MaximumExtentCount)
            Console.WriteLine("    Growth rate:           {0}", policy.GrowthRate)
            Console.WriteLine("    Pinned tail threshold: {0}", policy.PinnedTailThreshold)
            Console.WriteLine("    Auto shrink percent:   {0}", policy.AutoShrinkPercentage)
            Console.WriteLine("    Auto grow enabled:     {0}", policy.AutoGrow)
            Console.WriteLine("    New extent prefix:     {0}", policy.NewExtentPrefix)
            Console.WriteLine("    Next extent suffix:    {0}", policy.NextExtentSuffix)

        End Sub

        ' Append records. Appending three records.  
        Public Sub AppendRecords()
            Console.WriteLine("Appending Log Records...")
            Dim previous As SequenceNumber = SequenceNumber.Invalid

            previous = sequence.Append(CreateData("Hello World!"), SequenceNumber.Invalid, SequenceNumber.Invalid, RecordAppendOptions.ForceFlush)
            previous = sequence.Append(CreateData("This is my first Logging App"), SequenceNumber.Invalid, SequenceNumber.Invalid, RecordAppendOptions.ForceFlush)
            previous = sequence.Append(CreateData("Using LogRecordSequence..."), SequenceNumber.Invalid, SequenceNumber.Invalid, RecordAppendOptions.ForceFlush)

        End Sub

        ' Read the records added to the log. 
        Public Sub ReadRecords()
            Dim enc As Encoding = Encoding.Unicode


            Console.WriteLine("Reading Log Records...")
                For Each record As LogRecord In Me.sequence.ReadLogRecords(Me.sequence.BaseSequenceNumber, LogRecordEnumeratorType.Next)
                    Dim data(record.Data.Length - 1) As Byte
                    record.Data.Read(data, 0, CInt(Fix(record.Data.Length)))
                    Dim mystr As String = enc.GetString(data)
                    Console.WriteLine("    {0}", mystr)
                Next record
            Catch e As Exception
                Console.WriteLine("Exception {0} {1}", e.GetType(), e.Message)
            End Try

        End Sub

        Public Sub FillLog()
            Dim append As Boolean = True

            Do While append
                    sequence.Append(CreateData(16 * 1024), SequenceNumber.Invalid, SequenceNumber.Invalid, RecordAppendOptions.ForceFlush)

                Catch e1 As SequenceFullException
                    Console.WriteLine("Log is Full...")
                    append = False
                End Try
        End Sub

        ' Dispose the record sequence and delete the log file. 
        Public Sub Cleanup()
            ' Dispose the sequence

            ' Delete the log file.
            If delete Then
                    ' This deletes the base log file and all the extents associated with the log.
                Catch e As Exception
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception {0} {1}", e.GetType(), e.Message)
                End Try
            End If
        End Sub

        ' Converts the given data to an Array of ArraySegment<byte> 
        Public Shared Function CreateData(ByVal str As String) As IList(Of ArraySegment(Of Byte))
            Dim enc As Encoding = Encoding.Unicode

            Dim array() As Byte = enc.GetBytes(str)

            Dim segments(0) As ArraySegment(Of Byte)
            segments(0) = New ArraySegment(Of Byte)(array)

            Return System.Array.AsReadOnly(Of ArraySegment(Of Byte))(segments)
        End Function

        Public Shared Function CreateData(ByVal size As Integer) As IList(Of ArraySegment(Of Byte))
            Dim array(size - 1) As Byte

            Dim rand As New Random()

            Dim segments(0) As ArraySegment(Of Byte)
            segments(0) = New ArraySegment(Of Byte)(array)

            Return System.Array.AsReadOnly(Of ArraySegment(Of Byte))(segments)
        End Function

        Public Shared Function GetAdvanceBaseSeqNumber(ByVal recTargetSeqNum As SequenceNumber) As SequenceNumber
            Dim targetSequenceNumber As SequenceNumber = SequenceNumber.Invalid

            Console.WriteLine("Getting actual target sequence number...")

            ' Implement the logic for returning a valid sequence number closer to
            ' recommended target sequence number. 

            Return targetSequenceNumber
        End Function

        Public Shared Sub HandleTailPinned(ByVal arg As Object, ByVal tailPinnedEventArgs As TailPinnedEventArgs)
            Console.WriteLine("TailPinned has fired")

            ' Based on the implementation of a logging application, the log base can be moved
            ' to free up more log space and if it is not possible to move the 
            ' base, the application should report by throwing an exception.

            If MyLog.AdvanceBase Then
                    ' TailPnnedEventArgs has the recommended sequence number and its generated 
                    ' based on PinnedTailThreshold policy. 
                    ' This does not map to an actual sequence number in the record sequence
                    ' but an approximation and potentially frees up the threshold % log space
                    ' when the log base is advanced to a valid sequence number closer to the 
                    ' recommended sequence number. 
                    ' The user should use this sequence number to locate a closest valid sequence
                    ' number to advance the base of the log.

                    Dim recommendedTargetSeqNum As SequenceNumber = tailPinnedEventArgs.TargetSequenceNumber

                    ' Get the actual Target sequence number.
                    Dim actualTargetSeqNum As SequenceNumber = MyLog.GetAdvanceBaseSeqNumber(recommendedTargetSeqNum)

                Catch e As Exception
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown {0} {1}", e.GetType(), e.Message)
                End Try
                ' Report back Error if under some conditions the log cannot
                ' advance the base sequence number.

                Console.WriteLine("Reporting Error! Unable to move the base sequence number!")
                Throw New IOException()
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class

    Friend Class LogSample
        Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
            ' Create log record sequence.
            Dim log As New MyLog()

            ' Add additional extents.

            ' Enumerate the current log extents.

            ' Set log policies and register for TailPinned event notifications. 


            ' Append a few records and read the appended records. 

            ' Fill the Log to trigger log growth...and subsequent TailPinned notifications.


        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


LogRecordSequence クラスは、Common Log File System (CLFS) ログ上でレコード シーケンス インターフェイスの実装を提供します。 標準のレコード指向の機能に加えて、ログがいっぱいになる条件を回避し、同じ物理ファイル上でクライアントを多重化するためのポリシー モデルを提供します。 CLFS ログ ファイルを直接操作および管理するためのインターフェイスを提供する LogStore クラスと共に動作します。 LogStore クラスと LogRecordSequence クラスの関係は、ディスク ファイルと FileStream オブジェクトの関係に似ています。 ディスク ファイルは具象的な記憶域を提供し長さや最終アクセス日時などの属性を持つのに対して、FileStream オブジェクトはファイルに対する読み書きで使用できるファイルに関するビューを提供します。 同様に、LogStore クラスはポリシーやディスク エクステントのコレクションなどの属性を持つのに対して、LogRecordSequence クラスはデータを読み書きするためのレコード指向の機構を提供します。



ログ ストアを指定して、LogRecordSequence クラスの新しいインスタンスを初期化します。

LogRecordSequence(LogStore, Int32, Int32)

指定したログ ストア、各レコードのバッファー サイズ、バッファー番号を使用して、LogRecordSequence クラスの新しいインスタンスを初期化します。

LogRecordSequence(String, FileMode)

ログ ストアとアクセス モードのパスを指定して、LogRecordSequence クラスの新しいインスタンスを初期化します。

LogRecordSequence(String, FileMode, FileAccess)

ログ ストア、アクセス モード、および共有モードのパスを指定して、LogRecordSequence クラスの新しいインスタンスを初期化します。

LogRecordSequence(String, FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare)

ログ ストアとアクセス モードのパスを指定して、LogRecordSequence クラスの新しいインスタンスを初期化します。

LogRecordSequence(String, FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare, Int32, Int32)

ログ ストア、ファイル アクセス許可、アクセス モード、共有モード、およびレコードのバッファー サイズとバッファー カウントのパスを指定して、LogRecordSequence クラスの新しいインスタンスを初期化します。

LogRecordSequence(String, FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare, Int32, Int32, FileSecurity)

LogRecordSequence クラスの新しいインスタンスを初期化します。



現在の LogRecordSequence 内の最初の有効なレコードのシーケンス番号を取得します。




このレコード シーケンスのデータを含む LogStore を取得します。 このメソッドは継承できません。


このレコード シーケンスに追加可能なレコードの最大サイズを取得します。









ログの基本シーケンス番号を前方移動します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

Append(ArraySegment<Byte>, SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber, RecordAppendOptions)

ログ レコードを LogRecordSequence に書き込みます。 このメソッドは継承できません。

Append(ArraySegment<Byte>, SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber, RecordAppendOptions, ReservationCollection)

以前にシーケンスに予約された領域を使用して、IRecordSequence にログ レコードを追加します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

Append(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber, RecordAppendOptions)

IRecordSequence にログ レコードを追加します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

Append(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber, RecordAppendOptions, ReservationCollection)

以前にシーケンスに予約された領域を使用して、IRecordSequence にログ レコードを追加します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

BeginAppend(ArraySegment<Byte>, SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber, RecordAppendOptions, AsyncCallback, Object)

非同期の追加操作を開始します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

BeginAppend(ArraySegment<Byte>, SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber, RecordAppendOptions, ReservationCollection, AsyncCallback, Object)

非同期の追加操作を開始します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

BeginAppend(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber, RecordAppendOptions, AsyncCallback, Object)

非同期の追加操作を開始します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

BeginAppend(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber, RecordAppendOptions, ReservationCollection, AsyncCallback, Object)

非同期の追加操作を開始します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

BeginFlush(SequenceNumber, AsyncCallback, Object)

以前にシーケンス内で予約された領域を使用して、非同期のフラッシュ操作を開始します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

BeginReserveAndAppend(ArraySegment<Byte>, SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber, RecordAppendOptions, ReservationCollection, Int64[], AsyncCallback, Object)

非同期の予約および追加操作を開始します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

BeginReserveAndAppend(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber, RecordAppendOptions, ReservationCollection, Int64[], AsyncCallback, Object)

非同期の予約および追加操作を開始します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

BeginWriteRestartArea(ArraySegment<Byte>, SequenceNumber, ReservationCollection, AsyncCallback, Object)

以前にシーケンス内で予約された領域を使用して、非同期の再開領域の書き込み操作を開始します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

BeginWriteRestartArea(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SequenceNumber, ReservationCollection, AsyncCallback, Object)

以前にシーケンス内で予約された領域を使用して、非同期の再開領域の書き込み操作を開始します。 このメソッドは継承できません。


新しい ReservationCollection を作成します。 このメソッドは継承できません。




非同期の追加操作を終了します。 このメソッドは継承できません。


非同期フラッシュ操作を終了します。 このメソッドは継承できません。


非同期の予約および追加操作を終了します。 このメソッドは継承できません。


非同期の再開領域の書き込み操作を終了します。 このメソッドは継承できません。



(継承元 Object)

追加したすべてのレコードが書き込まれたことを確認します。 このメソッドは継承できません。


指定のシーケンス番号以下のシーケンス番号を持つすべての追加されたレコードが永続的に書き込まれたことが確認されます。 このメソッドは継承できません。



(継承元 Object)

現在のインスタンスの Type を取得します。

(継承元 Object)

現在の Object の簡易コピーを作成します。

(継承元 Object)
ReadLogRecords(SequenceNumber, LogRecordEnumeratorType)

シーケンス内のレコードの列挙可能なコレクションを返します。 このメソッドは継承できません。


シーケンス内の再開領域の列挙可能なコレクションを返します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

ReserveAndAppend(ArraySegment<Byte>, SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber, RecordAppendOptions, ReservationCollection, Int64[])

単一の予約を自動的に行って、シーケンスにレコードを追加します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

ReserveAndAppend(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber, RecordAppendOptions, ReservationCollection, Int64[])

単一の予約を自動的に行って、シーケンスにレコードを追加します。 このメソッドは継承できません。


LogRecordSequence の最後の項目を設定します。



(継承元 Object)

再開領域を LogRecordSequence に書き込みます。 このメソッドは継承できません。

WriteRestartArea(ArraySegment<Byte>, SequenceNumber)

再開領域を LogRecordSequence に書き込み、基本シーケンス番号を更新します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

WriteRestartArea(ArraySegment<Byte>, SequenceNumber, ReservationCollection)

予約を使用して再開領域を LogRecordSequence に書き込み、基本シーケンス番号を更新します。 このメソッドは継承できません。


再開領域を LogRecordSequence に書き込みます。 このメソッドは継承できません。

WriteRestartArea(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SequenceNumber)

再開領域を LogRecordSequence に書き込み、基本シーケンス番号を更新します。 このメソッドは継承できません。

WriteRestartArea(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SequenceNumber, ReservationCollection)

予約を使用して再開領域を LogRecordSequence に書き込み、基本シーケンス番号を更新します。 このメソッドは継承できません。



