다음을 통해 공유

UIPrintInteractionController.PrintPageRenderer 속성


설정된 경우 인쇄에 지정된 UIPrintPageRenderer 인스턴스를 사용합니다.

public virtual UIKit.UIPrintPageRenderer PrintPageRenderer { [Foundation.Export("printPageRenderer", ObjCRuntime.ArgumentSemantic.Strong)] get; [Foundation.Export("setPrintPageRenderer:", ObjCRuntime.ArgumentSemantic.Strong)] set; }
member this.PrintPageRenderer : UIKit.UIPrintPageRenderer with get, set

속성 값



UIPrintPageRenderer 하위 클래스를 구현하고 렌더러의 인스턴스를 속성에 PrintPageRenderer 할당해야 합니다.

// Get a reference to the singleton iOS printing concierge
UIPrintInteractionController printController = UIPrintInteractionController.SharedPrintController;

// Instruct the printing concierge to use our custom UIPrintPageRenderer subclass when printing this job
printController.PrintPageRenderer = new MyPrintPageRenderer (myData);

// Ask for a print job object and configure its settings to tailor the print request
UIPrintInfo info = UIPrintInfo.PrintInfo;

// B&W or color, normal quality output for mixed text, graphics, and images
info.OutputType = UIPrintInfoOutputType.General;

// Select the job named this in the printer queue to cancel our print request.
info.JobName = "Recipes";

// Instruct the printing concierge to use our custom print job settings.
printController.PrintInfo = info;

// Present the standard iOS Print Panel that allows you to pick the target Printer, number of pages, double-sided, etc.
printController.Present (true, PrintingCompleted);

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