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UITableViewCell Constructors




Default constructor that initializes a new instance of this class with no parameters.


Initializes the UITableViewCell with the specified frame.


A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.


Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.


A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

UITableViewCell(UITableViewCellStyle, NSString)

Create a table cell with the given style and reuse identifier.

UITableViewCell(UITableViewCellStyle, String)

Create a table cell with the given style and reuse identifier.


Default constructor that initializes a new instance of this class with no parameters.

public UITableViewCell ();

Applies to


Initializes the UITableViewCell with the specified frame.

public UITableViewCell (CoreGraphics.CGRect frame);
new UIKit.UITableViewCell : CoreGraphics.CGRect -> UIKit.UITableViewCell



Frame used by the view, expressed in iOS points.



This constructor is used to programmatically create a new instance of UITableViewCell with the specified dimension in the frame. The object will only be displayed once it has been added to a view hierarchy by calling AddSubview in a containing view.

This constructor is not invoked when deserializing objects from storyboards or XIB filesinstead the constructor that takes an NSCoder parameter is invoked.

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A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.

public UITableViewCell (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
new UIKit.UITableViewCell : Foundation.NSCoder -> UIKit.UITableViewCell



The unarchiver object.



This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the NSCoding protocol.

If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type NSCoder and decorate it with the [Export("initWithCoder:"] attribute declaration.

The state of this object can also be serialized by using the companion method, EncodeTo.

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Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.

protected UITableViewCell (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
new UIKit.UITableViewCell : Foundation.NSObjectFlag -> UIKit.UITableViewCell



Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.


This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the NSObject. This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object. When developers invoke the constructor that takes the NSObjectFlag.Empty they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to NSObject to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together. The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.

This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place. Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object. With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.

It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using the NSObjectFlag.Empty path.

In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the NSObjectFlag.Empty base implementation, then it should be calling an Objective-C init method. If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.

The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic NSObject allocation and runtime type registration. Typically the chaining would look like this:

// The NSObjectFlag merely allocates the object and registers the
// C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary, but no actual
// initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
// This is taken from Xamarin.iOS's source code:
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
// Invoke the init method now.
	var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
	if (IsDirectBinding)
		Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
		Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);

Applies to


A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

protected internal UITableViewCell (IntPtr handle);
new UIKit.UITableViewCell : nativeint -> UIKit.UITableViewCell




Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.


This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (GetNSObject(IntPtr)) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object. Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call the GetNSObject method as it will prevent two instances of a managed object to point to the same native object.

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UITableViewCell(UITableViewCellStyle, NSString)

Create a table cell with the given style and reuse identifier.

public UITableViewCell (UIKit.UITableViewCellStyle style, Foundation.NSString reuseIdentifier);
new UIKit.UITableViewCell : UIKit.UITableViewCellStyle * Foundation.NSString -> UIKit.UITableViewCell



The style to use for this cell.


A string used to identify the cell object if it should be reused for mutiple rows in a table view. Pass null if the object should not be reused. The same reuse identifier string should be used for all cells that use the same class and layout.

This parameter can be null.



The reuse identifier is associated with all cells (rows) in a table view that have the same layout (irrespective of their content) and can therefore be used interchangeably. The GetCell(UITableView, NSIndexPath) implementation calls DequeueReusableCell(NSString) with a specific reuse identifier string to obtain a cached cell object with a particular layout to use as the basis for the row being constructed for viewing.

To produce a layout different to those built-in to UITableViewCell, create a custom cell. To set the row height of each cell differently, implement GetHeightForRow(UITableView, NSIndexPath).

Applies to

UITableViewCell(UITableViewCellStyle, String)

Create a table cell with the given style and reuse identifier.

public UITableViewCell (UIKit.UITableViewCellStyle style, string reuseIdentifier);
new UIKit.UITableViewCell : UIKit.UITableViewCellStyle * string -> UIKit.UITableViewCell



The style to use for this cell.


A string used to identify the cell object if it should be reused for mutiple rows in a table view. Pass null if the object should not be reused. The same reuse identifier string should be used for all cells that use the same class and layout.


The reuse identifier is associated with all cells (rows) in a table view that have the same layout (irrespective of their content) and can therefore be used interchangeably. The GetCell(UITableView, NSIndexPath) implementation calls DequeueReusableCell(NSString) with a specific reuse identifier string to obtain a cached cell object with a particular layout to use as the basis for the row being constructed for viewing.

To produce a layout different to those built-in to UITableViewCell, create a custom cell. To set the row height of each cell differently, implement GetHeightForRow(UITableView, NSIndexPath).

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