Kopīgot, izmantojot

class ProtectionProfile::Observer

Interface that receives notifications related to ProtectionProfile. This interface must be implemented by applications using the protection SDK


Members Descriptions
public virtual void OnLoadSuccess(const std::shared_ptr<ProtectionProfile>& profile, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context) Called when profile was loaded successfully.
public virtual void OnLoadFailure(const std::exception_ptr& error, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context) Called when loading a profile caused an error.
public virtual void OnListEnginesSuccess(const std::vector<std::string>& engineIds, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context) Called when list of engines was generated successfully.
public virtual void OnListEnginesFailure(const std::exception_ptr& error, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context) Called when listing engines resulted in an error.
public virtual void OnAddEngineSuccess(const std::shared_ptr<ProtectionEngine>& engine, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context) Called when a new engine was added successfully.
public virtual void OnAddEngineFailure(const std::exception_ptr& error, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context) Called when adding a new engine resulted in an error.
public virtual void OnDeleteEngineSuccess(const std::shared_ptr<void>& context) Called when an engine was deleted successfully.
public virtual void OnDeleteEngineFailure(const std::exception_ptr& error, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context) Called when deleting an engine resulted in an error.


OnLoadSuccess function

Called when profile was loaded successfully.


  • profile: A reference to the newly created ProtectionProfile

  • context: The same context that was passed to ProtectionProfile::LoadAsync

An application can pass any type of context (for example, std::promise, std::function) to ProtectionProfile::LoadAsync and that same context will be forwarded as-is to ProtectionProfile::Observer::OnLoadSuccess or ProtectionProfile::Observer::OnLoadFailure

OnLoadFailure function

Called when loading a profile caused an error.


  • error: Error that occurred while loading

  • context: The same context that was passed to ProtectionProfile::LoadAsync

An application can pass any type of context (for example, std::promise, std::function) to ProtectionProfile::LoadAsync and that same context will be forwarded as-is to ProtectionProfile::Observer::OnLoadSuccess or ProtectionProfile::Observer::OnLoadFailure

OnListEnginesSuccess function

Called when list of engines was generated successfully.


  • engineIds: a list of engine IDs the are available.

  • context: The same context that was passed to ProtectionProfile::ListEnginesAsync

OnListEnginesFailure function

Called when listing engines resulted in an error.


  • error: the error that caused the list engines operation to fail.

  • context: The same context that was passed to ProtectionProfile::ListEnginesAsync

OnAddEngineSuccess function

Called when a new engine was added successfully.


  • engine: Newly created engine

  • context: The same context that was passed to ProtectionProfile::AddEngineAsync

OnAddEngineFailure function

Called when adding a new engine resulted in an error.


  • error: the error that caused the add engine operation to fail.

  • context: The same context that was passed to ProtectionProfile::AddEngineAsync

OnDeleteEngineSuccess function

Called when an engine was deleted successfully.


  • context: The same context that was passed to ProtectionProfile::DeleteEngineAsync

OnDeleteEngineFailure function

Called when deleting an engine resulted in an error.


  • error: the error that caused the delete engine operation to fail.

  • context: The same context that was passed to ProtectionProfile::DeleteEngineAsync