Export Intune reports using Graph APIs

All reports that have been migrated to the Intune reporting infrastructure will be available for export from a single top-level export API. You must use the Microsoft Graph API to make the HTTP call. Microsoft Graph is a RESTful web API that enables you to access Microsoft Cloud service resources.


For information about making REST API calls, including tools for interacting with Microsoft Graph, see Use the Microsoft Graph API.

Microsoft Intune will export reports using the following Microsoft Graph API endpoint:


Example devices report request and response

When making the request, you must provide a reportName parameter as part of the request body based on the report that you would like to export. Below is an example of an export request for the Devices report. You must use the POST HTTP method on your request. The POST method is used to create a new resource or perform an action.

Request example

The below request contains the HTTP method used on the request to Microsoft Graph.

    "reportName": "Devices", 
    "filter":"(OwnerType eq '1')", 
    "localizationType": "LocalizedValuesAsAdditionalColumn", 
    "format": "json",
    "select": [ 


To retrieve data, select specific columns, such as those specified in the above example. Do not build automation around default columns of any report export. You should build your automation to explicitly select relevant columns.

Response example

Based on the above POST request, Graph returns a response message. The response message is the data that you requested or the result of the operation.

    "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#deviceManagement/reports/exportJobs/$entity", 
    "id": "Devices_05e62361-783b-4cec-b635-0aed0ecf14a3", 
    "reportName": "Devices", 
    "filter":"(OwnerType eq '1')", 
    "localizationType": "LocalizedValuesAsAdditionalColumn", 
    "select": [ 
    "format": "csv", 
    "snapshotId": null, 
    "status": "notStarted", 
    "url": null, 
    "requestDateTime": "2020-08-19T03:43:32.1405758Z", 
    "expirationDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" 

You can then use the id field to query the status of the export with a GET request:

For example: https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/deviceManagement/reports/exportJobs('Devices_05e62361-783b-4cec-b635-0aed0ecf14a3')

You will need to continue calling this URL until you get a response with a status: completed attribute. It will look like the following example:

    "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#deviceManagement/reports/exportJobs/$entity", 
    "id": "Devices_05e62361-783b-4cec-b635-0aed0ecf14a3", 
    "reportName": "Devices", 
    "filter":"(OwnerType eq '1')", 
    "localizationType": "LocalizedValuesAsAdditionalColumn", 
    "select": [ 
    "format": "csv", 
    "snapshotId": null, 
    "status": "completed", 
    "url": "https://amsua0702repexpstorage.blob.core.windows.net/cec055a4-97f0-4889-b790-dc7ad0d12c29/Devices_05e62361-783b-4cec-b635-0aed0ecf14a3.zip?sv=2019-02-02&sr=b&sig=%2BP%2B4gGiZf0YzlQRuAV5Ji9Beorg4nnOtP%2F7bbFGH7GY%3D&skoid=1db6df02-4c8b-4cb3-8394-7ac2390642f8&sktid=72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47&skt=2020-08-19T03%3A48%3A32Z&ske=2020-08-19T09%3A44%3A23Z&sks=b&skv=2019-02-02&se=2020-08-19T09%3A44%3A23Z&sp=r", 
    "requestDateTime": "2020-08-19T03:43:32.1405758Z", 
    "expirationDateTime": "2020-08-19T09:44:23.8540289Z" 

You can then directly download the compressed CSV from the url field.

Report parameters

There are five main parameters you can submit in your request body to define the export request:

  • reportName: Required. This parameter is the name of the report you want to specify.
  • filter: Not required for most reports. Note that the filter parameter is a string.
  • select: Not required. Specify which columns from the report you want. Only valid column names relevant to the report you are calling will be accepted.
  • format: Not required. By default, the data is output in csv format. Specify json to output the file in JSON format.
  • localizationType: This parameter controls localization behavior for the report. Possible values are LocalizedValuesAsAdditionalColumn and ReplaceLocalizableValues.

Localization behavior

The localizationType parameter controls localization behavior for the report. The possible values for this parameter are LocalizedValuesAsAdditionalColumn and ReplaceLocalizableValues.

LocalizedValuesAsAdditionalColumn report value

This value for the localizationType parameter is the default value. It will be inserted automatically if the localizationType parameter is not specified. This value specifies that Intune provides two columns for each localizable column.

  • enum value: The enum value column contains either a raw string, or a set of numbers that don't change, regardless of locale. This column will be under the original column name (see example).
  • localized string value: This column will be the original column name with _loc appended. It will contain string values that are human readable, and locale conditional (see example).


OS OS_loc
1 Windows
1 Windows
1 Windows
2 iOS
3 Android
4 Mac

ReplaceLocalizableValues report value

ReplaceLocalizableValues report value will only return one column per localized attribute. This column will contain the original column name with the localized values.



For columns without localized values, only a single column with the true column name and the true column values are returned.


The localizationType parameter is relevant for any export experience hosted by Intune's reporting infrastructure with a few exceptions. TheDevices and DevicesWithInventory report types will not honor the localizationType parameter due to legacy compatibility requirements.

Next steps