TextColumns.Spacing property (Word)

Returns or sets the spacing (in points) between columns. Read/write Single.


expression. Spacing

expression Required. A variable that represents a 'TextColumns' collection.


After this property has been set for a TextColumns object, the EvenlySpaced property is set to True. To return or set the spacing for a single text column when EvenlySpaced is False, use the SpaceAfter property of the TextColumn object.


This example formats the active document to display text in two columns with 0.5 inch (36 points) spacing between the columns.

With ActiveDocument.PageSetup.TextColumns 
 .SetCount NumColumns:=2 
 .LineBetween = False 
 .EvenlySpaced = True 
 .Spacing = 36 
End With

See also

TextColumns Collection Object

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