Move columns

A common process when preparing data is to move columns in the data set.

To accomplish this move, you can either select the Move option or drag and drop the column.

Move option

The following example shows the different ways of moving columns. This example focuses on moving the Contact Name column.

Table containing the Contact Name column to be moved in this example as the third column in the table.

You move the column using the Move option. This option located in the Any column group under the Transform tab. In the Move option, the available choices are:

  • Before
  • After
  • To beginning
  • To end

Shows the available move column choices.

You can also find this option when you right-click a column.

Right-click contextual menu with the Move options.

If you want to move one column to the left, then select Before.

Select the Before option.

The new location of the column is now one column to the left of its original location.

Table with the column moved one column to the left.

If you want to move one column to the right, then select After.

Select the After option.

The new location of the column is now one column to the right of its original location.

Table with the column moved one column to the right.

If you want to move the column to the most left space of the data set, then select To beginning.

Select the To beginning option.

The new location of the column is now on the far left side of the table.

Table with the column moved to the far left side of the table.

If you want to move the column to the most right space of the data set, then select To end.

Select the To end option.

The new location of the column is now on the far right side of the table.

Table with the column moved to the far right side of the table.

Drag and drop

Another way to move a column through the data set is to drag and drop the column. Move the column to the place where you would like to place it.

Using drag and drop to move the column.

Go to column feature

If you want to find a specific column, then go to the View tab in the ribbon and select Go to column.

From there, you can specifically select the column you would like to view, which is especially useful if there are many columns.

Using Go to column to select the specific column to go to.