ACM Pack API for Python reference

This article describes the Azure Cluster Management (ACM) Pack API for Python. To download the source code, see HPC Pack ACM API for Python. The ACM Pack client tool is built upon this API. To download it, see HPC Pack ACM CLI.


Python 2.7, 3.5 or 3.6.

Installation and Usage

Install the package:

python -m pip install --user hpc-acm

Then import the package:

import hpc_acm

Get Started

Follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import hpc_acm
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Set your API Base Point = 'https://YOUR_SERVER_NAME/YOUR_PATH'
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
hpc_acm.configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
hpc_acm.configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = hpc_acm.DefaultApi()

    # Get a list of nodes
    nodes = api_instance.get_nodes()
except ApiException as e:
    for node in nodes:

Documentation for API endpoints

All URIs are relative to the API base point, which is set by host in the configuration as shown earlier.

Class Method HTTP request Description
DefaultApi cancel_clusrun_job PATCH /clusrun/{id} Cancel a clusrun
DefaultApi cancel_diagnostic_job PATCH /diagnostics/{id} Cancel a diagnostic test run
DefaultApi create_clusrun_job POST /clusrun Create a clusrun
DefaultApi create_diagnostic_job POST /diagnostics Create a diagnostic test run
DefaultApi get_clus_run_job_summary GET /dashboard/clusrun Get a summary of ClusRun jobs
DefaultApi get_clusrun_job GET /clusrun/{id} Get a clusrun
DefaultApi get_clusrun_job_aggregation_result GET /clusrun/{id}/aggregationResult Get aggregation results of a clusrun job
DefaultApi get_clusrun_jobs GET /clusrun Get a list of clusruns
DefaultApi get_clusrun_output GET /output/clusrun/{key}/raw Get the whole output of a task
DefaultApi get_clusrun_output_in_page GET /output/clusrun/{key}/page Get partial output of a task
DefaultApi get_clusrun_task GET /clusrun/{id}/tasks/{taskId} Get a task of a clusrun
DefaultApi get_clusrun_task_result GET /clusrun/{id}/tasks/{taskId}/result Get a task result of a clusrun
DefaultApi get_clusrun_tasks GET /clusrun/{id}/tasks Get tasks of a clusrun
DefaultApi get_diagnostic_job GET /diagnostics/{id} Get a diagnostic test run
DefaultApi get_diagnostic_job_aggregation_result GET /diagnostics/{id}/aggregationResult Get aggregation result of a diagnostic job
DefaultApi get_diagnostic_job_summary GET /dashboard/diagnostics Get a summary of diagnostic jobs
DefaultApi get_diagnostic_jobs GET /diagnostics Get a list of diagnostic test runs
DefaultApi get_diagnostic_task GET /diagnostics/{id}/tasks/{taskId} Get a task of a diagnostic test run
DefaultApi get_diagnostic_task_result GET /diagnostics/{id}/tasks/{taskId}/result Get a task result of a diagnostic test run
DefaultApi get_diagnostic_tasks GET /diagnostics/{id}/tasks Get tasks of a diagnostic test run
DefaultApi get_diagnostic_tests GET /diagnostics/tests Get available diagnostic tests
DefaultApi get_metric_categories GET /metrics/categories Get node metric categories
DefaultApi get_metrics_of_category GET /metrics/{category} Get node metrics in a category
DefaultApi get_node GET /nodes/{id} Get a node
DefaultApi get_node_events GET /nodes/{id}/events Get events of a node
DefaultApi get_node_jobs GET /nodes/{id}/jobs Get the jobs of a node
DefaultApi get_node_metadata GET /nodes/{id}/metadata Get metadata for a node
DefaultApi get_node_metric_history GET /nodes/{id}/metricHistory Get metric history of a node
DefaultApi get_node_scheduled_events GET /nodes/{id}/scheduledEvents Get scheduled events of a node
DefaultApi get_node_summary GET /dashboard/nodes Get a summary of nodes
DefaultApi get_nodes GET /nodes Get a list of nodes
DefaultApi sync_scripts POST /sync Sync diagnostic and metric scripts from GitHub
DefaultApi validate_user GET /validation Validate user confidential for HTTP Basic Authentication

Documentation for models