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File Methods

Constructors Description
File Creates a File object given a new or existing file.
Methods Description
changeExtension Changes the extension of a file path.
close Closes this file.
combine Combines two file paths.
copy Copies an existing file to a new file.
copyOver Copies an existing file to a new or existing file.
create Creates a new file.
createDirectories Creates all directories designated by the specified path.
createDirectory Creates a new directory.
delete Deletes a file.
exists Determines whether a file exists.
finalize Finalizes this File object by ensuring that the close method is called.
flush Clears the buffers for this file and causes all buffered data to be written to the file.
getAttributes Retrieves the attributes for the specified file or directory.
getCurrentDirectory Retrieves the current directory.
getDirectory Retrieves the directory path of a file path.
getExtension Retrieves the extension of the specified path.
getFiles Retrieves the names of the files that match the specified search path.
getFullPath Expands the specified path to a fully qualified path.
getHandle Retrieves the file handle associated with this File object.
getLength Retrieves the length in bytes of this file.
getLogicalDrives Retrieves the specification for the logical drives.
getName Retrieves the name and extension of the specified path.
getPosition Retrieves the current position of this file.
getRoot Retrieves the root portion of the specified path.
hasExtension Determines whether a path includes a file extension.
isDirectory Determines whether the specified path refers to a directory.
isFile Determines whether the specified path refers to a file.
isRooted Determines whether the specified path contains a root.
lock Locks a region in this file.
open Opens an existing file for read and write access.
openRead Opens an existing file for read access only.
openStandardError Opens the standard error file.
openStandardInput Opens the standard input file.
openStandardOutput Opens the standard output file.
read Reads the next byte of data from this file.
readByte Reads a byte from this file.
readChar Reads a character from this file.
readInt Reads an integer from this file.
readLong Reads a long value from this file.
readShort Reads a short value from this file.
removeDirectory Removes an existing empty directory.
rename Renames an existing file or directory.
setAttributes Sets the attributes of a file.
setCurrentDirectory Sets the current directory.
setLength Sets the length of this file to the specified value.
setPosition Sets the current position of this file to the specified value.
unlock Unlocks a region in this file.
write Writes a byte of data to this file.
writeByte Writes a byte to this file.
writeChar Writes a character to this file.
writeInt Writes an integer to this file.
writeLong Writes a long value to this file.
writeShort Writes a short value to this file.