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StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs Classe


Fornece dados para o evento de DrawItem .

public ref class StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs : System::Windows::Forms::DrawItemEventArgs
public class StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs : System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs
type StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs = class
    inherit DrawItemEventArgs
Public Class StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs
Inherits DrawItemEventArgs


O exemplo de código a seguir demonstra como usar a Style propriedade , o StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler delegado, a StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs classe, a StatusBarPanelStyle enumeração e a StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs.Panel propriedade . Para executar o exemplo, cole o código a seguir em um formulário. Chame o InitializeStatusBarPanels método no construtor ou Load método do formulário.

StatusBar^ StatusBar1;
void InitializeStatusBarPanels()
   StatusBar1 = gcnew StatusBar;
   // Create two StatusBarPanel objects.
   StatusBarPanel^ panel1 = gcnew StatusBarPanel;
   StatusBarPanel^ panel2 = gcnew StatusBarPanel;
   // Set the style of the panels.  
   // panel1 will be owner-drawn.
   panel1->Style = StatusBarPanelStyle::OwnerDraw;
   // The panel2 object will be drawn by the operating system.
   panel2->Style = StatusBarPanelStyle::Text;
   // Set the text of both panels to the same date string.
   panel1->Text = System::DateTime::Today.ToShortDateString();
   panel2->Text = System::DateTime::Today.ToShortDateString();
   // Add both panels to the StatusBar.
   StatusBar1->Panels->Add( panel1 );
   StatusBar1->Panels->Add( panel2 );
   // Make panels visible by setting the ShowPanels 
   // property to True.
   StatusBar1->ShowPanels = true;
   // Associate the event-handling method with the DrawItem event 
   // for the owner-drawn panel.
   StatusBar1->DrawItem += gcnew StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler( this, &Form1::DrawCustomStatusBarPanel );
   this->Controls->Add( StatusBar1 );

// Draw the panel.
void DrawCustomStatusBarPanel( Object^ sender, StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs^ e )
   // Draw a blue background in the owner-drawn panel.
   e->Graphics->FillRectangle( Brushes::AliceBlue, e->Bounds );
   // Create a StringFormat object to align text in the panel.
   StringFormat^ textFormat = gcnew StringFormat;
   // Center the text in the middle of the line.
   textFormat->LineAlignment = StringAlignment::Center;
   // Align the text to the left.
   textFormat->Alignment = StringAlignment::Far;
   // Draw the panel's text in dark blue using the Panel 
   // and Bounds properties of the StatusBarEventArgs object 
   // and the StringFormat object.
   e->Graphics->DrawString( e->Panel->Text, StatusBar1->Font, Brushes::DarkBlue, RectangleF(e->Bounds.X,e->Bounds.Y,e->Bounds.Width,e->Bounds.Height), textFormat );
private StatusBar StatusBar1;

private void InitializeStatusBarPanels()
    StatusBar1 = new StatusBar();

    // Create two StatusBarPanel objects.
    StatusBarPanel panel1 = new StatusBarPanel();
    StatusBarPanel panel2 = new StatusBarPanel();

    // Set the style of the panels.  
    // panel1 will be owner-drawn.
    panel1.Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.OwnerDraw;

    // The panel2 object will be drawn by the operating system.
    panel2.Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.Text;

    // Set the text of both panels to the same date string.
    panel1.Text = System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
    panel2.Text = System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();

    // Add both panels to the StatusBar.

    // Make panels visible by setting the ShowPanels 
    // property to True.
    StatusBar1.ShowPanels = true;

    // Associate the event-handling method with the DrawItem event 
    // for the owner-drawn panel.
    StatusBar1.DrawItem += 
        new StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler(DrawCustomStatusBarPanel);

// Draw the panel.
private void DrawCustomStatusBarPanel(object sender, 
    StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs e)

    // Draw a blue background in the owner-drawn panel.
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.AliceBlue, e.Bounds);

    // Create a StringFormat object to align text in the panel.
    StringFormat textFormat = new StringFormat();

    // Center the text in the middle of the line.
    textFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

    // Align the text to the left.
    textFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;

    // Draw the panel's text in dark blue using the Panel 
    // and Bounds properties of the StatusBarEventArgs object 
    // and the StringFormat object.
    e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Panel.Text, StatusBar1.Font, 
        Brushes.DarkBlue, new RectangleF(e.Bounds.X, 
        e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Height), textFormat);
Private StatusBar1 As StatusBar

Private Sub InitializeStatusBarPanels()
    StatusBar1 = New StatusBar

    ' Create two StatusBarPanel objects.
    Dim panel1 As New StatusBarPanel
    Dim panel2 As New StatusBarPanel

    ' Set the style of the panels.  
    ' panel1 will be owner-drawn.
    panel1.Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.OwnerDraw

    ' The panel2 object will be drawn by the operating system.
    panel2.Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.Text

    ' Set the text of both panels to the same date string.
    panel1.Text = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()
    panel2.Text = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()

    ' Add both panels to the StatusBar.

    ' Make panels visible by setting the ShowPanels 
    ' property to True.
    StatusBar1.ShowPanels = True

    ' Use the AddHandler syntax to handle the DrawItem event
    ' for the owner-drawn panel.
    AddHandler StatusBar1.DrawItem, _
        New StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler( _
        AddressOf DrawCustomStatusBarPanel)
End Sub

' Draw the panel.
Private Sub DrawCustomStatusBarPanel(ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs)

    ' Draw a blue background in the owner-drawn panel.
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.AliceBlue, e.Bounds)

    ' Create a StringFormat object to align text in the panel.
    Dim textFormat As New StringFormat

    ' Center the text in the middle of the line.
    textFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center

    ' Align the text to the left.
    textFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far

    ' Draw the panel's text in dark blue using the Panel 
    ' and Bounds properties of the StatusBarEventArgs object 
    ' and the StringFormat object.
    e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Panel.Text, StatusBar1.Font, _
          Brushes.DarkBlue, New RectangleF(e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, _
          e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Height), textFormat)

End Sub


O DrawItem evento ocorre quando um aspecto visual de um proprietário desenhado StatusBarPanel é alterado. Um StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs especifica o Graphics objeto a ser usado para desenhar o painel, o Rectangle objeto no qual desenhar o painel, o número de identificação do painel, as informações de estado sobre o painel e o painel a ser desenhado. Você pode usar os dados fornecidos por essa classe em um manipulador de eventos para o DrawItem evento para criar painéis desenhados personalizados no controle do StatusBar aplicativo.


StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs(Graphics, Font, Rectangle, Int32, DrawItemState, StatusBarPanel)

Inicializa uma nova instância da classe StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs sem especificar uma cor de primeiro plano e de tela de fundo para o StatusBarPanel.

StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs(Graphics, Font, Rectangle, Int32, DrawItemState, StatusBarPanel, Color, Color)

Inicializa uma nova instância da classe StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs com uma cor de primeiro plano e de tela de fundo especificada para o StatusBarPanel.



Obtém a cor da tela de fundo do item que está sendo desenhado.

(Herdado de DrawItemEventArgs)

Obtém o retângulo que representa os limites do item que está sendo desenhado.

(Herdado de DrawItemEventArgs)

Obtém a fonte que é atribuída ao item que está sendo desenhado.

(Herdado de DrawItemEventArgs)

Obtém a cor de primeiro plano do item que está sendo desenhado.

(Herdado de DrawItemEventArgs)

Obtém a superfície de elementos gráficos no qual desenhar o item.

(Herdado de DrawItemEventArgs)

Obtém o valor de índice do item que está sendo desenhado.

(Herdado de DrawItemEventArgs)

Obtém o StatusBarPanel a ser desenhado.


Obtém o estado do item que está sendo desenhado.

(Herdado de DrawItemEventArgs)



Realiza tarefas definidas pelo aplicativo associadas à liberação ou à redefinição de recursos não gerenciados.

(Herdado de DrawItemEventArgs)

Fornece dados para o evento de DrawItem .

(Herdado de DrawItemEventArgs)

Desenha a tela de fundo dentro dos limites especificados no construtor DrawItemEventArgs e com a cor apropriada.

(Herdado de DrawItemEventArgs)

Desenha um retângulo de foco dentro dos limites especificados no construtor DrawItemEventArgs.

(Herdado de DrawItemEventArgs)

Determina se o objeto especificado é igual ao objeto atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Serve como a função de hash padrão.

(Herdado de Object)

Obtém o Type da instância atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Cria uma cópia superficial do Object atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Retorna uma cadeia de caracteres que representa o objeto atual.

(Herdado de Object)

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