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CoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs Class

Event args for the CoreWebView2.ProcessFailed event.


Members Description
ExitCode Gets the exit code of the failing process, for telemetry purposes.
FrameInfosForFailedProcess Gets the collection of CoreWebView2FrameInfos for frames in the CoreWebView2 that were being rendered by the failed process.
ProcessDescription Gets a description of the failing process, assigned by the WebView2 Runtime.
ProcessFailedKind Gets the kind of process failure that has occurred.
Reason Gets the reason for the process failure.



readonly int ExitCode

Gets the exit code of the failing process, for telemetry purposes. The exit code is always STILL_ACTIVE(259) when CoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs.ProcessFailedKind is CoreWebView2ProcessFailedKind.RenderProcessUnresponsive.


readonly IVectorView<CoreWebView2FrameInfo> FrameInfosForFailedProcess

Gets the collection of CoreWebView2FrameInfos for frames in the CoreWebView2 that were being rendered by the failed process. This is only available when CoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs.ProcessFailedKind is CoreWebView2ProcessFailedKind.FrameRenderProcessExited; the returned collection is empty for all other process failure kinds, including the case in which the failed process was the renderer for the main frame and subframes within it, for which the failure kind is CoreWebView2ProcessFailedKind.RenderProcessExited.


readonly string ProcessDescription

Gets a description of the failing process, assigned by the WebView2 Runtime. This is a technical English term appropriate for logging or development purposes, and not localized for the end user. It applies to utility processes (for example, "Audio Service", "Video Capture") and plugin processes (for example, "Flash"). The returned string is empty if the WebView2 Runtime did not assign a description to the process.


readonly CoreWebView2ProcessFailedKind ProcessFailedKind

Gets the kind of process failure that has occurred. ProcessFailedKind is CoreWebView2ProcessFailedKind.RenderProcessExited if the failed process is the main frame's renderer, even if there were subframes rendered by such process; all frames are gone when this happens.


readonly CoreWebView2ProcessFailedReason Reason

Gets the reason for the process failure. The reason is always CoreWebView2ProcessFailedReason.Unexpected when CoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs.ProcessFailedKind is CoreWebView2ProcessFailedKind.BrowserProcessExited, and CoreWebView2ProcessFailedReason.Unresponsive when CoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs.ProcessFailedKind is CoreWebView2ProcessFailedKind.RenderProcessUnresponsive. For other process failure kinds, the reason may be any of the reason values.

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