SnapshotOperations Class

SnapshotOperations operations.

You should not instantiate directly this class, but create a Client instance that will create it for you and attach it as attribute.



SnapshotOperations(client, config, serializer, deserializer)


Name Description

Client for service requests.


Configuration of service client.


An object model serializer.


An object model deserializer.



Submit an operation to apply a snapshot to current subscription. For each snapshot, only subscriptions included in the applyScope of Snapshot - Take can apply it.
The snapshot interfaces are for users to backup and restore their face data from one face subscription to another, inside same region or across regions. The workflow contains two phases, user first calls Snapshot - Take to create a copy of the source object and store it as a snapshot, then calls Snapshot - Apply to paste the snapshot to target subscription. The snapshots are stored in a centralized location (per Azure instance), so that they can be applied cross accounts and regions.
Applying snapshot is an asynchronous operation. An operation id can be obtained from the "Operation-Location" field in response header, to be used in OperationStatus - Get for tracking the progress of applying the snapshot. The target object id will be included in the "resourceLocation" field in OperationStatus - Get response when the operation status is "succeeded".
Snapshot applying time depends on the number of person and face entries in the snapshot object. It could be in seconds, or up to 1 hour for 1,000,000 persons with multiple faces.
Snapshots will be automatically expired and cleaned in 48 hours after it is created by Snapshot - Take. So the target subscription is required to apply the snapshot in 48 hours since its creation.
Applying a snapshot will not block any other operations against the target object, however it is not recommended because the correctness cannot be guaranteed during snapshot applying. After snapshot applying is completed, all operations towards the target object can work as normal. Snapshot also includes the training results of the source object, which means target subscription the snapshot applied to does not need re-train the target object before calling Identify/FindSimilar.
One snapshot can be applied multiple times in parallel, while currently only CreateNew apply mode is supported, which means the apply operation will fail if target subscription already contains an object of same type and using the same objectId. Users can specify the "objectId" in request body to avoid such conflicts.

  • Free-tier subscription quota: 100 apply operations per month.
  • S0-tier subscription quota: 100 apply operations per day.

Delete an existing snapshot according to the snapshotId. All object data and information in the snapshot will also be deleted. Only the source subscription who took the snapshot can delete the snapshot. If the user does not delete a snapshot with this API, the snapshot will still be automatically deleted in 48 hours after creation.


Retrieve information about a snapshot. Snapshot is only accessible to the source subscription who took it, and target subscriptions included in the applyScope in Snapshot - Take.


Retrieve the status of a take/apply snapshot operation.


List all accessible snapshots with related information, including snapshots that were taken by the user, or snapshots to be applied to the user (subscription id was included in the applyScope in Snapshot - Take).


Submit an operation to take a snapshot of face list, large face list, person group or large person group, with user-specified snapshot type, source object id, apply scope and an optional user data.
The snapshot interfaces are for users to backup and restore their face data from one face subscription to another, inside same region or across regions. The workflow contains two phases, user first calls Snapshot - Take to create a copy of the source object and store it as a snapshot, then calls Snapshot - Apply to paste the snapshot to target subscription. The snapshots are stored in a centralized location (per Azure instance), so that they can be applied cross accounts and regions.
Taking snapshot is an asynchronous operation. An operation id can be obtained from the "Operation-Location" field in response header, to be used in OperationStatus - Get for tracking the progress of creating the snapshot. The snapshot id will be included in the "resourceLocation" field in OperationStatus - Get response when the operation status is "succeeded".
Snapshot taking time depends on the number of person and face entries in the source object. It could be in seconds, or up to several hours for 1,000,000 persons with multiple faces.
Snapshots will be automatically expired and cleaned in 48 hours after it is created by Snapshot - Take. User can delete the snapshot using Snapshot - Delete by themselves any time before expiration.
Taking snapshot for a certain object will not block any other operations against the object. All read-only operations (Get/List and Identify/FindSimilar/Verify) can be conducted as usual. For all writable operations, including Add/Update/Delete the source object or its persons/faces and Train, they are not blocked but not recommended because writable updates may not be reflected on the snapshot during its taking. After snapshot taking is completed, all readable and writable operations can work as normal. Snapshot will also include the training results of the source object, which means target subscription the snapshot applied to does not need re-train the target object before calling Identify/FindSimilar.

  • Free-tier subscription quota: 100 take operations per month.
  • S0-tier subscription quota: 100 take operations per day.

Update the information of a snapshot. Only the source subscription who took the snapshot can update the snapshot.


Submit an operation to apply a snapshot to current subscription. For each snapshot, only subscriptions included in the applyScope of Snapshot - Take can apply it.
The snapshot interfaces are for users to backup and restore their face data from one face subscription to another, inside same region or across regions. The workflow contains two phases, user first calls Snapshot - Take to create a copy of the source object and store it as a snapshot, then calls Snapshot - Apply to paste the snapshot to target subscription. The snapshots are stored in a centralized location (per Azure instance), so that they can be applied cross accounts and regions.
Applying snapshot is an asynchronous operation. An operation id can be obtained from the "Operation-Location" field in response header, to be used in OperationStatus - Get for tracking the progress of applying the snapshot. The target object id will be included in the "resourceLocation" field in OperationStatus - Get response when the operation status is "succeeded".
Snapshot applying time depends on the number of person and face entries in the snapshot object. It could be in seconds, or up to 1 hour for 1,000,000 persons with multiple faces.
Snapshots will be automatically expired and cleaned in 48 hours after it is created by Snapshot - Take. So the target subscription is required to apply the snapshot in 48 hours since its creation.
Applying a snapshot will not block any other operations against the target object, however it is not recommended because the correctness cannot be guaranteed during snapshot applying. After snapshot applying is completed, all operations towards the target object can work as normal. Snapshot also includes the training results of the source object, which means target subscription the snapshot applied to does not need re-train the target object before calling Identify/FindSimilar.
One snapshot can be applied multiple times in parallel, while currently only CreateNew apply mode is supported, which means the apply operation will fail if target subscription already contains an object of same type and using the same objectId. Users can specify the "objectId" in request body to avoid such conflicts.

  • Free-tier subscription quota: 100 apply operations per month.
  • S0-tier subscription quota: 100 apply operations per day.
apply(snapshot_id, object_id, mode='CreateNew', custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config)


Name Description

Id referencing a particular snapshot.


User specified target object id to be created from the snapshot.


Snapshot applying mode. Currently only CreateNew is supported, which means the apply operation will fail if target subscription already contains an object of same type and using the same objectId. Users can specify the "objectId" in request body to avoid such conflicts. Possible values include: 'CreateNew'

default value: CreateNew

headers that will be added to the request

default value: None

returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response

default value: False

Operation configuration overrides.


Type Description

None or ClientRawResponse if raw=true


Type Description


Delete an existing snapshot according to the snapshotId. All object data and information in the snapshot will also be deleted. Only the source subscription who took the snapshot can delete the snapshot. If the user does not delete a snapshot with this API, the snapshot will still be automatically deleted in 48 hours after creation.

delete(snapshot_id, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config)


Name Description

Id referencing a particular snapshot.


headers that will be added to the request

default value: None

returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response

default value: False

Operation configuration overrides.


Type Description

None or ClientRawResponse if raw=true


Type Description


Retrieve information about a snapshot. Snapshot is only accessible to the source subscription who took it, and target subscriptions included in the applyScope in Snapshot - Take.

get(snapshot_id, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config)


Name Description

Id referencing a particular snapshot.


headers that will be added to the request

default value: None

returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response

default value: False

Operation configuration overrides.


Type Description

Snapshot or ClientRawResponse if raw=true


Type Description


Retrieve the status of a take/apply snapshot operation.

get_operation_status(operation_id, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config)


Name Description

Id referencing a particular take/apply snapshot operation.


headers that will be added to the request

default value: None

returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response

default value: False

Operation configuration overrides.


Type Description

OperationStatus or ClientRawResponse if raw=true


Type Description


List all accessible snapshots with related information, including snapshots that were taken by the user, or snapshots to be applied to the user (subscription id was included in the applyScope in Snapshot - Take).

list(type=None, apply_scope=None, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config)


Name Description

User specified object type as a search filter. Possible values include: 'FaceList', 'LargeFaceList', 'LargePersonGroup', 'PersonGroup'

default value: None

User specified snapshot apply scopes as a search filter. ApplyScope is an array of the target Azure subscription ids for the snapshot, specified by the user who created the snapshot by Snapshot - Take.

default value: None

headers that will be added to the request

default value: None

returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response

default value: False

Operation configuration overrides.


Type Description

list or ClientRawResponse if raw=true


Type Description


Submit an operation to take a snapshot of face list, large face list, person group or large person group, with user-specified snapshot type, source object id, apply scope and an optional user data.
The snapshot interfaces are for users to backup and restore their face data from one face subscription to another, inside same region or across regions. The workflow contains two phases, user first calls Snapshot - Take to create a copy of the source object and store it as a snapshot, then calls Snapshot - Apply to paste the snapshot to target subscription. The snapshots are stored in a centralized location (per Azure instance), so that they can be applied cross accounts and regions.
Taking snapshot is an asynchronous operation. An operation id can be obtained from the "Operation-Location" field in response header, to be used in OperationStatus - Get for tracking the progress of creating the snapshot. The snapshot id will be included in the "resourceLocation" field in OperationStatus - Get response when the operation status is "succeeded".
Snapshot taking time depends on the number of person and face entries in the source object. It could be in seconds, or up to several hours for 1,000,000 persons with multiple faces.
Snapshots will be automatically expired and cleaned in 48 hours after it is created by Snapshot - Take. User can delete the snapshot using Snapshot - Delete by themselves any time before expiration.
Taking snapshot for a certain object will not block any other operations against the object. All read-only operations (Get/List and Identify/FindSimilar/Verify) can be conducted as usual. For all writable operations, including Add/Update/Delete the source object or its persons/faces and Train, they are not blocked but not recommended because writable updates may not be reflected on the snapshot during its taking. After snapshot taking is completed, all readable and writable operations can work as normal. Snapshot will also include the training results of the source object, which means target subscription the snapshot applied to does not need re-train the target object before calling Identify/FindSimilar.

  • Free-tier subscription quota: 100 take operations per month.
  • S0-tier subscription quota: 100 take operations per day.
take(type, object_id, apply_scope, user_data=None, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config)


Name Description

User specified type for the source object to take snapshot from. Currently FaceList, PersonGroup, LargeFaceList and LargePersonGroup are supported. Possible values include: 'FaceList', 'LargeFaceList', 'LargePersonGroup', 'PersonGroup'


User specified source object id to take snapshot from.


User specified array of target Face subscription ids for the snapshot. For each snapshot, only subscriptions included in the applyScope of Snapshot - Take can apply it.


User specified data about the snapshot for any purpose. Length should not exceed 16KB.

default value: None

headers that will be added to the request

default value: None

returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response

default value: False

Operation configuration overrides.


Type Description

None or ClientRawResponse if raw=true


Type Description


Update the information of a snapshot. Only the source subscription who took the snapshot can update the snapshot.

update(snapshot_id, apply_scope=None, user_data=None, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config)


Name Description

Id referencing a particular snapshot.


Array of the target Face subscription ids for the snapshot, specified by the user who created the snapshot when calling Snapshot - Take. For each snapshot, only subscriptions included in the applyScope of Snapshot - Take can apply it.

default value: None

User specified data about the snapshot for any purpose. Length should not exceed 16KB.

default value: None

headers that will be added to the request

default value: None

returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response

default value: False

Operation configuration overrides.


Type Description

None or ClientRawResponse if raw=true


Type Description



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