Update Topic


This API is obsolete and retired as of 11/1/2021 and should no longer be used.

Updates a topic. The updated descriptor is sent in the request body. The API updates the topic entries in the FE/BE entries.


Method Request URI HTTP version
PUT https://management.core.windows.net/{subscription ID}/services/ServiceBus/Namespaces/{Namespace}/Topics/{Topic Path} HTTP/1.1

Request Headers

The following table describes required and optional request headers.

Request Header Description
x-ms-version 2012-03-01
If-Match *

The request also requires a client certificate. This certificate must match the certificate you uploaded for that particular subscription.

Request Body

The following table describes the key elements of the request body. These are the only properties that you can update. The body must include the full topic description, even if you're only changing one property. The recommended flow is as follows:

  1. Get topic description.

  2. Update the required elements.

  3. Pass in the updated description.

Property Name Type Description
DefaultMessageTimeToLive XML Datetime Based on whether dead lettering is enabled, if a message has been stored in the topic for more than the specified time, it's automatically moved to the dead-letter queue or deleted. This value is overwritten by a TTL specified on the message if the message TTL is smaller than the TTL set on the topic. This value is immutable after the topic has been created:

- Range: 1 second – 14 days.

- Default: 14 days.
DuplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow Time Span A property that specifies the time span during which Service Bus detects message duplication.

- Range: 1 second – 7 days.

- Default: 10 minutes.
EnableFilteringMessagesBeforePublishing Boolean A property that specifies whether or not to apply filtering before publishing the message. For more information, see EnableFilteringMessagesBeforePublishing.


The response includes an HTTP status code and a set of response headers.

Response Codes


If you create a topic with a name that contains special or encoded characters (for example, "test?Name=value&", which gets encoded to "test%3FName%3Dvalue%26"), a (401) Unauthorized exception is generated.

Code Description
200 Successfully updated topic description.
401 Authorization failure.
404 Entity doesn't exist under this namespace.
500 Internal error.

For information about status codes, see Status and Error Codes.

Response Headers

Response Header Description
Content-Type application/xml;type=entry;charset=utf-8

Response Body

If this operation is successful, an updated topic descriptor is returned in the response body.